
Final de Ano

ois é, mais um ano passou voando e eu só me toquei disso após os festejos de natal. Um ano de muito crescimento (algum forçado), algumas vitórias importantes (OAB, casa nova, carro na garagem, fé, entre outras coisas) e muito, muito aprendizado.

Fazendo uma retrospectiva rápida do ano de 2006, percebo que foi um ano de escolhas & confirmações.


  • O último membro da matilha se foi. Ao menos os corvos contam que está feliz & bem, com uma lobinha a caminho.
  • Um antigo membro deu as caras, por assim dizer. Não é o mesmo - mas até aí qual de nós o é?
  • Eu & Silvia continuamos a desapontar os que não apostavam no relacionamento. =)
  • Uma senhorita de cartola e smiley na lapela anda rondando a família Berzins. Bom, ela tinha que aparecer a qualquer momento, não é mesmo?

  • Um ano de renovação. Tanta gente nova a frequentar a nova casa: Vitor, Mi, Sieg, Pantera, Igor, Mezenga, Bandit, Ana, Yukio - Bem vindos sejam!
  • Aos distantes (e não só geograficamente), um brinde: Inanna, Farai, Scaldie, Nica, Margareth, Dhi, Drikos, Max - Não preciso dizer como vocês fazem falta...
  • A todos aqueles que não estão listados por nome, não culpem nada além da minha memória de peixinho dourado. Vocês sabem que são importantes e porque são importantes!
  • Van, você não conta, você é de casa. Só deixamos que você visitasse a família para que eles não sentissem saudades!

  • Auditorias e mais auditorias, aprendendo horrores sobre franquias, óleodutos e legislação tributária japonesa (do not ask, I do not tell)
  • Um projeto a ser concretizado até Fevereiro.

  • Várias cores, e nenhuma. (DL pun here)
  • Meu coração era tão frio que foi preciso um sopro de dragão para que ele se inflamasse.
  • Tudo que ela toca ela muuuuuudaaaaa ;)
  • Hoje vejo os infortúnios como mãos da criadora, e o fogo da minha fúria como a forja.
  • (Se não entendeu nada, não se preocupe, eu sou maluco mesmo =)


Ranger Song

C-130 rolling down the strip.
Airborne ranger gonna take a little trip.
mission top secret destination unknown
don't even know if I'm going home.
Stand up, Hook up, shuffle to the door.
Jump right out and count to four.
One thousand, two thousand, three thousand, four.
if my chute don't open wide.
I've got a reserve by my side.
If that one should fail me too

If that one should fail me too
Look out below I'm coming through

If that one should fail me too
Look out ground there's a ranger comin' through

I said hey all the way
I say hey every day
If i die on the old drop zone
Then box me up and send me home
Pin my wings up on my chest
Tell my girl i've done my best
I said hey all the way
I say hey every day

Trilha Sonora da Sua vida

Roubada do blog da Nica


1. abra seu programa favorito de mp3
2. coloque no shuffle
3. coloque a música pra tocar
4. para cada questão coloque a música correspondente
5. para cada nova questão, clique para ouvir a próxima música
6. não vale roubar, até porque as outras pessoas vão perceber.

Opening Credits: You belong to me - Bob Dylan
"See the Pyramids
Along the Nile
Watch the sun rise ..."

Uma boa música de início para comédias leves. Com um pai piloto de helicóptero na Amazônia e uma mãe comissária da cruzeiro, é bem apropriado...

Waking Up: Freefalling - Tom Petty

"I'm gonna free fall out into
nothin', gonna leave this world for a while."

yeah, I am gonna leave my dreams for some hours 'till I find them again, exausted.

First Day At School: We Belong - Pat Benatar

"We belong to the light
We belong to the thunder
We belong to the sound of the words
Weve both fallen under"

Falling In Love: Hey Dude - Kula Shaker

"If it tastes like honey
Dont swallow it all
Dont wait for the moment to come -
And catch the sun"

Breaking Up: Nightquest - Nightwish

"Guardians of the halls of heart
When we from my homeland depart
To challenge the gods of emptiness
May the quest begin!"

Prom: Leader of Men - Nickelback

"I am not a leader of men
Since I prefer to follow
Do you think I could have a drink
Since it's so hard to swallow
So hard to swallow

So turn the television off
and I will sing a song
And if you suddenly have the urge
You can sing along"

Life is Good: Flowers - Echo and the bunnymen

Driving: Joe Bean - Johnny Cash

Flashback: Buck dich - Rammstein

"buck dich - befehl ich dir
wende dein Antlitz ab von mir
dein Gesicht ist mir egal
buck dich"

Getting Back Together: Adrenaline - Gavin Rossdale

"You don't feel the pain

Too much is not enough
Nobody said this stuff makes any sense
We're hooked again"

Wedding: Blood of Kingu - Therion

"Collect the blood of Kingu from the great old sea
And arrogate the primeval waters
Inside your veins the power of the demon flow
Have you ever searched for your descent?

Gaze into your soul, we are the children of the ancient ones
On the thin facade we are the kindred of the benign gods"

Paying the Dues: I've got my love to keep me warm - Frank Sinatra

"My heart's on fire, the flame goes higher, but I can weather the

What do I care how much it may storm, I've got my love to keep
me warm."

The Night Before The War: Disco Mushroom - Infected Mushroom (I am not afraid any more - clash)

Final Battle: Um dia, um ladrão - Pato Fu

Moment of Triumph: You Learn - Alanis

Death Scene: Asche zu Azche - Rammstein

Funeral Song: Where do I hide - Nickelback

End Credits: Dos Margaritas - Paralamas


Heroes - Episódio Piloto

Bom, já me preparando para a "estiagem" de Lost, comecei a procurar outros vícios televisivos. Sob a recomendação de alguns amigos, resolvi baixar alguns episódios de "Heroes" (Série da NBC).

O Motto da série é bastante óbvio: "Pessoas comuns descobrindo poderes incomuns ". Bom, para um caça-níqueis de x-men e homem aranha, versão sessão da tarde, não se podia esperar outra coisa.

Confesso que o episódio piloto me decepcionou bastante. Parece ter sido feito às pressas, sem tempo pra edição. Nos primeiros cinco minutos somos apresentados aos personagens principais, e no "núcleo Índia" já começam as papagaiadas: Um geneticista que resolve virar taxista na Big Apple para poder pesquisar melhor seus "espécimes".

Claro, dirigir um táxi nem dá trabalho nem cansa. E ser geneticista nem precisa de tanto estudo assim, não é mesmo? Não feliz com isso, o roteirista esquece de fazer pequenas transições entre cenas: Em um segundo, estamos na Índia, em outro em Nova Iorque. Sem legenda. "Indoors". E o telespectador que se vire para entender o que está acontecendo.

Além disso, ver um geneticista dizendo que "o ser humano só usa uma parcela do cérebro" é de doer. Que uma pessoa comum propagasse esse tipo de inanidade, ok, atura-se, afinal "mitos científicos" se propagam por décadas, mas... um cientista repetir isto é de matar.

Claro que nem tudo na série é ruim: O personagem uber-nerd japonês ("Hiro", com trocadilho) é o máximo. O ator é muito bom. O relacionamento entre dois irmãos e seus respectivos poderes fecha bem o episódio, apesar de uma cena de vôo extremamente mal feita.

Meus palpites são que a animadora de torcida na verdade é uma suicida frustrada e que a stripper tem dois poderes. Vamos ver, mais tarde eu escrevo mais sobre a série.


Dia ruim

White Trash Satan

Seraphim Shock

Thrown away for whatever's pc
Apple lie american scheme
Oh so equal in the eye of a god
Who never was to any of us
Not gonna take your phony white shame
Another day another mistake
Zombie masses spoon feed the scam
I'm pissin on your good guy badge

So who's on your side
The devil's on mine
I know ya hate me
White trash satan proud as can be

Say goodbye to the life that ya know
Say hello to the man down below
Scarin all you barbies and kens
Half redneck half livin dead
Try and keep me quiet in line
I'm payin back and takin what's mine
Give me porn pussy vegas and cash
Give me strippers booze tits and ass

Muito trabalho, Muita pressão, um email que corta o último laço e uma queda em espiral rumo ao void.

Welcome to my life...


Café da Manhã

Nada como um bom desjejum para renovar as forças e limpar a cabeça de pesadelos por demais vívidos (e sem coelhinhos - pilha interna). Chegando cedo no trabalho, resolvo parar no Rei do Mate, pedir um mate com guaraná gigante (cafeína!!!) e mastigar algo.

Não queria nem pão de queijo nem sanduíche. Olhando para o lado, descubro a fonte de todo mal, a perdição daqueles que tentam seguir o caminho leve, a tentação perversa... O pão de batata na chapa!

Ok, vocês estão rindo, eu sei. Mas vocês não tem idéia de como é bom. Macio, quentinho, leve (tá, eu gosto de me enganar) e com a manteiga da marca que mais amo no mundo.

Um excelente começo de dia, tendo tempo para mastigar o café sem pressa enquanto folheio o "War of the Twins".

Um bom dia para todos!


Mais um motivo para detestar Ipods

Como se não bastassem todos os outros, ainda vem mais essa....

Small Number of Video iPods Shipped With Windows Virus

We recently discovered that a small number - less than 1% - of the Video iPods available for purchase after September 12, 2006, left our contract manufacturer carrying the Windows RavMonE.exe virus. This known virus affects only Windows computers, and up to date anti-virus software which is included with most Windows computers should detect and remove it. So far we have seen less than 25 reports concerning this problem. The iPod nano, iPod shuffle and Mac OS X are not affected, and all Video iPods now shipping are virus free. As you might imagine, we are upset at Windows for not being more hardy against such viruses, and even more upset with ourselves for not catching it.

Retirado da http://www.apple.com/support/windowsvirus/

Eu já sabia que o controle de qualidade da Apple em relação aos seus subcontratados era uma bosta.
Eu experimentei em primeira mão o software biodegradável da apple e seus efeitos enervantes no Ipod da namorada.
Agora essa arrogância tola e fetichista em cima de um OS minoritário, e o "que se foda quem pegou o vírus" é um tiro no pé. Depois os applemaníacos reclamam quando são zoados até a morte ;)


Chifres e cascos.

Ouvindo T.A.T.U & Rammstein, revisando contratos para os chineses, dormindo pouco e reencontrando alguns fiapos da minha fé ao perceber a facilidade com que certas coisas se apresentam para mim. Clareza quase matemática, conforme prometido. :P

E quem diria que para renovar a fonte e deixar a poesia renascer aos borbotões eu precisaria de um ato de questionável intento e um bom e velho "faz de conta"?

Ok, amor, eu admito, você tem razão: Há poder no Sonhar.


"Tenho medo do nariz de pinguim."

Ok, admito que o título é uma piada que só tem graça ao vivo. Apenas imagine a clássica e malfadada peça de opinião política da Regina Duarte no segundo turno passado sob uma interpretação satírica do nariz do Alckmin.

Brincadeiras a parte, após assistir o debate de segunda cheguei a algumas conclusões preocupantes - ao menos para mim. Descobri que por pior que seja o candidato (e é) eu não voto no Lula. Não mesmo. E não é só pela sua notória falta de preparo como estadista, sua ética de botequim ("Ética é punir depois...")ou sua demagocia clientelista & chavista (com minúscula mesma, permito-me mostrar um desafeto por grafia) - mas sim por sua completa falta de mão em administrar o país.


1 - CPMF
2 - ANP
3 - Round 8 de Licitação
4 - Fundo de Educação
5 - Estrelas vermelhas no Jardim
6 - Ausência de postura perante escãndalos
7 - Semelhanças demais com o Nixon
8 - Lei da Mordaça
9 - Ausência total de coerência política

Pronto, um pra cada dedinho do cefalópode. Como disse para minha digníssima que, infelizmente irá assinar embaixo (de novo!) para que o boçal & bêbado continue a governar: Entre Bozo e Lula, voto no Bozo.

Não achei o Alckmin essa bola toda no debate. Repetiu a mesma tecla diversas vezes - digam o que quiser, o Lula foi tudo menos arrogante no debate. Veio despreparado, achando que bastava pichar o presidente (D'uh, mole) para se dar bem e foi sacaneado ao vivo por um debilóide. Teve seus momentos (Em especial o "meu programa está aqui, deixa de ser mentiroso") mas passou-me a imagem de despreparo, nervosismo e mau marketeiro.

Estamos mal, com candidatos como esses. Será que eu ainda sei soletrar?


teste - Tinha que ser ;)

Which Changeling Kith Best Fits You?

You are a Satyr!! Like the goat-men of legend, you have a STRONG sense of passion. Whether for drinking, sex, or political debate, you embrace your passions and drives with wholehearted abandon. Just be careful not to let your passions consume you entirely.
Take this quiz!

Quizilla |

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Sobre eleições

Citando um amigo, coberto de razão...

"o diabo do mito da democracia. como haver mandato do povo, pelo povo,
para o povo, quando o povo é uma renca de deseducados, meio famintos,
sem fé, vergonha ou capacidade de se escandalizar por calejamento?


democracia faz algum sentido (talvez) em países com um mínimo de educação.


me lembrou Paulo Francis.
ele dizia q claro q ele era elitista!, se "elite" significava "os
melhores", então ora pois

problema de tacar pau na elite no br é q se vc sabe soletrar "elite", vc
É elite.".

E entre o vídeo da Cicarelli e o Telejornal "Eu não sabia de nada sobre esse escãndalo também", do beócio Luís Inácio Nixon Lula da Silva, o último ainda me choca mais.


Meu alinhamento em D&D

Chaotic Evil

A chaotic evil character does whatever his greed, hatred, and lust for destruction drive him to do. He is hot-tempered, vicious, arbitrarily violent, and unpredictable. If simply out for whatever he can get, he is ruthless and brutal. If he is committed to the spread of evil and chaos, he is even worse. Thankfully, his plans are haphazard, and any groups he joins or forms are poorly organized. Typically, chaotic evil people can only be made to work together by force, and their leader lasts only as long as he can thwart attempts to topple or assassinate him. The demented sorcerer pursuing mad schemes of vengeance and havoc is chaotic evil. Chaotic evil is sometimes called "demonic" because demons are the epitome of chaotic evil. Chaotic evil is the most dangerous alignment because it represents the destruction not only of beauty and life but of the order on which beauty and life depend.

--excerpted from the Player’s Handbook, Chapter 6

Keep in mind the alignment suggested by the quiz is just that: a suggestion. It describes your character no better than a 36-question test would describe you. But it’s a good way to start thinking about how your character acts when confronted with issues of alignment.

Now that your character has taken the test, make a note of which questions scored in the opposite direction from your overall alignment. These exceptions can tell some interesting tales about your character Are you a good character with a greedy streak? Are you a lawful character who can’t stand the village elders? Don’t just roleplay your alignment -- roleplay your alignment exceptions, too. Few characters perfectly embody their alignment choice.

Clique aqui e descubra o seu


The Doors - Curses and invocations

Curses, Invocations
Weird bate-headed mongrels
I keep expecting one of you to rise
Large buxom obese queen
Garden hogs and cunt veterans
Quaint cabbage saints
Shit hoarders and individualists
Drag strip officials
Tight lipped losers and
Lustful fuck salesman
My militant dandies
All strange orders of monsters
Hot on the tail of the woodvine
We welcome you to our procession
Here come the Comedians
look at them smile
Watch them dance an Indian mile
Look at them gesture
How aplomb
So to gesture everyone
Words dissemble
Words be quick
Words resemble walking sticks
Plant them they will grow
Watch them waver so
I'll always be a word man
Better then a bird man
... porque um pouco de sincronia musical é uso colateral divertido de entropia ;)



E eu achei que já tinha visto de tudo. Mas mestre Gaiman discorda.

Ok, os hobbits devem ser milionários pelo preços que andam cobrando para se morar num live gigante...



Glissando em blogs

Uma coisa que acho fantástica na blogosfera é a possibilidade de se ter notícias sem ter que perguntar. Complicado de entender? Ok, eu explico.

Quem me conhece sabe o quanto é fácil eu ficar chateado. Quem me conhece um pouco mais sabe qua a raiva de verdade eu guardo para aquilo que é sério, e não sinto a menor vergonha em sentir raiva, em parte graças a Rui Barbosa e sua "oração aos moços". Quando o assunto vai pro F.U.B.A.R (fucked up beyond all recognition) minha reação padrão é virar as costas e partir para outra.

Sem juízos de mérito sobre o assunto, isso gera alguns problemas graves aqui e acolá. Hoje li num blog que só não se arrependem os amnésicos e os psicopatas. Discordo, mas isso é uma perspectiva quase religiosa de minha parte. Antes que eu desvie ainda mais do assunto, parte desses problemas graves é a perda de contato com algumas pessoas. Minto. Não é a perda de contato (afinal de contas, geralmente é fruto de uma escolha consciente da minha parte - tirando os casos absolutamente murphyanos de má-interpretação).

É a vontade desinteressada de saber se está tudo bem - não por afeto, amizade ou afins, visto que isto ficou para trás há algumas vidas, mas por se importar se a vida está sendo decente com alguém que já foi importante.

E isso o blog cumpre. Hoje o meu dia ficou um pouco mais feliz por saber que todos (ou quase) estão bem.

"-To absent friends, lost loves, old gods, and the season of mists; and may each and every one of us always give the devil his due."

Hob Gadling, toasting upon Dream's journey to Hell in Season of Mists.


Soundtrack for these dark days, my friend...

Corporate America wakes
Coffee republic in case
We open the latch on the gate
Of the hole that we call our home

Protect me from what I want...
Protect me protect me

Maybe we're victims of fate
Remember when we'd celebrate
We'd drink and get high until late
And now we're all alone


Manual do Estagiário

1. Nunca me de serviço de manhã. Espere ate as 16 h e só então traga-o. A
pressão de uma tarefa com prazo estourado e muito motivante para mim.

2. Se o serviço a ser feito e urgente, venha ate minha mesa de dez em dez
minutos para me interromper e me perguntar se a coisa tá progredindo. Isto
me ajuda muito. Ou melhor, fique de pé atrás de mim olhando o que eu faço e
não hesite em me dar conselhos sobre como proceder a cada vez que eu teclo
uma letra.

3. Quando você sair, não avise ninguém e nunca diga onde esta indo. Isso me
dará a chance de ser criativo quando me perguntarem onde você esta.

4. Se estou com as mãos cheias de papeis, de caixas ou de suprimentos, não
me abra a porta. Tenho que aprender a me virar sem as mãos para o caso de
ficar paraplégico. Abrir as portas com minha boca e um ótimo exercício.

5. Se você me der varias tarefas, não se preocupe em definir as
prioridades. Estou estudando telepatia.

6. Faca o possível para que eu tenha que trabalhar depois do expediente.
Adoro a empresa e eu não tenho mesmo nada mais para fazer e nenhum lugar
para ir. Eu não tenho absolutamente ninguém na minha vida fora o trabalho.

7. Se eu estiver fazendo um bom trabalho e você estiver satisfeito por
favor guarde isto em segredo. Se alguém soubesse eu poderia ser
promovido... E eu não suportaria trabalhar para outra pessoa.

8. Se eu fizer um erro ou algo de que você não goste, diga-o a todo mundo.
Gosto de ser o assunto da conversa. Todo mundo falando do meu erro me ajuda
a melhorar.

9. Se um serviço necessita de instruções especificas, não as escreva Alias,
espere ate a ultima hora para da-las. Não pense em me atrasar com
informações úteis.

10. Não me apresente as pessoas que estão com você. Não tenho nenhum
direito de saber o que quer que seja. Mais tarde, quando você me falar
deles, eu vou saber imediatamente a quem você esta se referindo graças a
minha incrível capacidade de dedução.

11. Na hierarquia da empresa, considere-me como um plâncton.

12.Só seja cortes comigo quando o serviço que estou fazendo pode mudar sua
vida profissional e enviá-lo aos infernos em caso de falhas.

13.Conte-me todos os seus pequenos problemas. Ninguém mais tem, e é
agradável ver alguém menos sortudo do que eu. Adoro particularmente quando
você se queixa de pagar muitos impostos por causa do seu alto salário,
quando você me fala das duvidas de investimento da sua ultima gratificação,
ou quando você se queixa dos três dias de chuva que você pegou durante o
mês de ferias que você tirou no Caribe.

14.Espere minha avaliação anual para me dizer quais eram meus objetivos. Me
de uma nota medíocre pela minha performance e me de um aumentozinho, só
para cobrir a elevação do custo de vida. Afinal, eu não estou aqui por


Ao meu Futuro

What do you have to do?
Pack your bags
Go to the station without them
Catch the train
And leave your self behind.

- Open Secret by Wei Wu Wei



Deuses, como eu odeio essa maldição de família :P

Algumas horas de dor lancinante e uma mesa fantastica de Dragonlance abandonada pela metade fazem a gente pensar sobre a vida. Stress maldito que não larga do meu pé...


In love

Ouvindo: Temptation - New Order

Porquê ela é a mulher mais linda quando acorda. E porque ela sempre se acha feia, de uma maneira fofa. Porque ela me traz chocolate na cama. Porque ela nao implica com as noites em que tenho que beber com os amigos para não matar ninguém no trabalho. Porque ela acredita em mim quando nem eu acredito. Porque ela ralha comigo lembrando de cuidados com a saúde. Porque ela me faz completo - e foda-se o bradesco.

Meu céu, Meu caminho, Minha esperança.

Porque mesmo andando mais sozinho do que jamais estive em minha vida, eua encontro em casa, e ela não me deixa cair.

E ela tem os olhos mais lindos do mundo.

"And Ive never seen anyone quite like you before
No, Ive never met anyone quite like you before
Bolts from above hit the people down below
People in this world, we have no place to go (But I do)
Oh, its the last time
Oh, Ive never met anyone quite like you before
Oh no, Ive never met anyone quite like you before"


Numb / Encore - Or a few words to once brothas and sistas. Decypher this!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, you're far too kind

Now can I get an encore, do you want more
Cookin raw with the Brooklyn boy
So for one last time I need y'all to roar

Now what the hell are you waitin for
After me, there shall be no more
So for one last time, nigga make some noise

Get em Jay

Who you know fresher than Hov'? Riddle me that
The rest of y'all know where I'm lyrically at
Can't none of y'all mirror me back
Yeah hearin me rap is like hearin G. Rap in his prime
I'm, young H.O., rap's Grateful Dead
Back to take over the globe, now break bread
I'm in, Boeing jets, Global Express
Out the country but the blueberry still connect
On the low but the yacht got a triple deck
But when you Young, what the fuck you expect? Yep, yep
Grand openin, grand closin
God damn your man Hov' cracked the can open again
Who you gon' find doper than him with no pen
just draw off inspiration
Soon you gon' see you can't replace him
with cheap imitations for THESE GENERATIONS

Now can I get an encore, do you want more
Cookin raw with the Brooklyn boy
So for one last time I need y'all to roar

Now what the hell are you waitin for
After me, there shall be no more
So for one last time, nigga make some noise

What the hell are you waiting for

[sighs] Look what you made me do, look what I made for you
Knew if I paid my dues, how will they pay you
When you first come in the game, they try to play you
Then you drop a couple of hits, look how they wave to you
From Marcy to Madison Square
To the only thing that matters in just a matter of years (yea)
As fate would have it, Jay's status appears
to be at an all-time high, perfect time to say goodbye
When I come back like Jordan, wearin the 4-5
It ain't to play games with you
It's to aim at you, probably maim you
If I owe you I'm blowin you to smithereeens
Cocksucker take one for your team
And I need you to remember one thing (one thing)
I came, I saw, I conquered
From record sales, to sold out concerts
So muh'fucker if you want this encore
I need you to scream, 'til your lungs get sore

I'm tired of being what you want me to be
Feeling so faithless lost under the surface
Don't know what you're expecting of me
Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
And every second I waste is more than I can take

I've become so numb I can't feel you there
I've become so tired so much more aware
I'm becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you

I've become so numb
Can I get an encore, do you want more (more...)
I've become so numb
So for one last time I need y'all to roar
One last time I need y'all to roar

Vaneuza, é sobre isso que falo em nossos encontros...


Part 2

What is The Hanso Foundation?

Their claim: they’re a globe-spanning, philanthropic organization dedicated to the betterment of mankind through social/scientific research and innovative technology. Their slogan is “Reaching Out to a Better Tomorrow.”

The truth: The Hanso Foundation will pursue its science at any cost. Their chief executives are corrupt. They have a mysterious agenda that has already destroyed countless lives - through war, medical experimentation, bribery, lies, and murder. And, they’ve been planning something huge. It’s called the SPIDER PROTOCOL. I've been working to expose the truth... and now their crosshairs are set on me.

If you want MORE DETAIL, click HERE…

Who is Persephone?

Persephone is my hacker alias, the name I used while hacking The Hanso Foundation’s website and phone systems. Once The Hanso Foundation shut down its website, I felt it was time to give the people joining in my mission a real name and face to connect with -– Rachel Blake. And, so, I started this blog.

Who is Rachel Blake?

That’s me. People wonder, why am I doing this? Do I have some sort of personal stake in this battle against Thomas Werner Mittelwerk, Alvar Hanso, and The Hanso Foundation? The way I see it, EVERYONE has personal motivations driving them. And, in the same way, everyone has a demon or two biting at their heels. Point is… does it really matter what it takes to get you into the fight as long as you show up?

I’m doing what I have to do. Personal or not, knowing what I do, seeing the MASSIVE THREAT AND DANGER these guys are to us all, it’s not a choice anymore whether to fight or not.

Are Rachel Blake and Persephone really the same person?

Yep. Not that I really think my word will stop you arguing about it.

Who is Alvar Hanso?

He started as an arms dealer back in WWII. Made a fortune selling death and destruction, even contributed to the creation of the atom bomb. At some point his conscience seemed to catch up to him, and he started The Hanso Foundation to wash away his sins. But, as far as the evidence shows, it didn’t take. The Hanso Foundation has strayed far from its mission of bettering humanity and is now a threat to us all.

But, where exactly IS Hanso?

Nobody seems to know. Is he alive? Dead? Truly missing? I uncovered a letter from a Spanish doctor claiming old Alvar has some sort of rare blood disorder… could it be a result of his own experimentation? All I know is that for far too long Hanso hasn’t answered for the actions he and his cronies have set in motion. When I do find him, he’s gonna have a lot of explaining to do.

Who is Dr. Thomas Werner Mittelwerk?

Don’t take that “Dr.” title too seriously -– Mittelwerk, while he may be some sort of evil genius, is a fraud through-and-through. He’s no more a doctor than I am a girl on a European vacation.

For many years Mittelwerk was Alvar Hanso’s lieutenant and chief technologist. But, since Hanso’s disappearance, the good doc has taken over the role of President and now has The Hanso Foundation under his (apparent) control. Mittelwerk likes to present himself as some sort of forward-thinking, eco-friendly guy (check out his TV ads), but the actions of the Foundation tell another story. I followed him, pieced together his plot, and ended up in Sri Lanka. The things I saw there… well, you’re gonna see them too, as soon as you guys find and put together my video.

Who are GidgetGirl/Darla Taft and Hugh McIntyre?

For those of you who have been following my work, you’ll know that GidgetGirl a.k.a. Darla Taft helped track down Mittelwerk. Darla was a corporate liaison for the Global Welfare Consortium, and it seems she was, for some time, feeding information to her lover, the married and self-proclaimed “family man” Hugh McIntyre. Hugh was Communications Director of The Hanso Foundation, the mouthpiece for the entire organization. He used Darla’s warnings to spin The Hanso Foundation’s lies and respond before the GWC could shut their programs down.

There came a point, though, where the lies and crimes became too much for Hugh and Darla. Darla began helping me under the guise of GidgetGirl, but when she tried to point me toward the SPIDER PROTOCOL and Sri Lanka, Mittelwerk had Hugh and Darla murdered.

Who is DJ Dan?

He’s a half-crazed, half-brilliant conspiracy theorist radio host who produces his show “Shutting Down the Man” from an ever-changing list of far-fetched locations. He’s been an opponent of The Hanso Foundation for years and has a legion of ConspiraSpies to aid in the struggle.

I even called in to his show once…

Who is Joop?

Joop is a product of The Life-Extension Project. Check out the ad. He’s a 105-year-old orangutan, the oldest in the world, and he’s supposed to somehow help make The Hanso Foundation palatable to families and children. You ask me? He’s a prisoner and a victim -- just one more example of why The Hanso Foundation needs to be stopped.

Timeline/Walkthrough of my quest to STOP HANSO:

In May/June, I hacked The Hanso Foundation website as Persephone. Once they caught on to the damage I was doing, they shut the site down.

At that point, I started this blog. I snagged tons of audio/video for it, but to keep the Hanso squad from hacking me and taking my evidence down, I had to hide my clips on a bunch of corporate websites. It worked -- but finding some of the clips was pretty tough.

Cause this stuff’s important, I’m giving you newbies the quick ‘n’ dirty:

1. Copenhagen Post 01 - VIDEO

* This one’s actually right here on the site.

2. Copenhagen Post 02 - VIDEO

* Five days in. I followed Mittelwerk around, shot a vid. To find it:
Go to http://www.broadbandstories.com
Click on the window titled “Ultimate Journey” – it’s the one with the motorcycle.

I got into the shipping archive and discovered Mittelwerk was researching historic shipping lanes near the equator. A couple of clever folks commented, later on, that the shipping company was owned by Hanso, and that in the 1800s, Alvar Hanso’s grandfather was the captain of a slave ship called The Black Rock.

3. Copenhagen Post 03

With little to go on from Mittelwerk, I posted the dirt I had on Hugh McIntyre, which amounted to photos of him and his mistress from the Global Welfare Consortium. Not long after, GidgetGirl first made contact, trying to guilt me into removing the photos. No dice.

4. Copenhagen Post 04 - AUDIO

* I hid a mic in a pepper shaker and recorded a conversation between Mittelwerk and a crony of his. To find it:
Go to http://au.docs.yahoo.com/mittelwerk/
username: rblake, password: 105years
Click on the phrase “peeping on tom”

Oh, didn’t I mention that conversation was in Korean? We got a bunch of translations, some good and some that didn’t make sense in any language. The consensus was that they were talking about a “Mr. Paik” having built a special ship for Mittelwerk…

5. Copenhagen Post 05 – VIDEO

* I decided to step it up. To find the video:
Go to http://www.sublymonal.com
Type “truth safe reckon copenhagen alvar sumo” in the box
Type “better tomorrow” in the next box
Click the folder labeled “48”
Click the file “untitled-1.html”

I posted one of the several island maps Mittelwerk was carrying on him. As blurry as it was, my friends were still able to locate it in Lake Superior… We would soon find out that Mittelwerk was scouting these islands as possible sites for something called the SPIDER PROTOCOL.

GidgetGirl got in touch again. She and I made a deal: if she gave me good intel, I would take those photos of Hugh McIntyre down.

6. Copenhagen Post 06 - VIDEO

* I was “visited” by the man that appeared to be Mittelwerk’s attendant (see vid for Copenhagen Post 05). To find the video:
Go to http://www.jeep.com/en/compass/
Click “Interior”
Click “In Back”
Click the dot labeled “Removable Flashlight”
Click “View Demo”

That call he received was from Mittelwerk - I saw it on the cell phone.

7. Copenhagen Post 07

GidgetGirl contacted me. Said Mittelwerk went to Iceland to deal with a fire at The Vik Institute, a part of the Hanso Mental Health Appeal.

She also sent an article describing the fire. Strangely, a world-renowned mathematician, Vigi Benoffski, was killed in the blaze.

8. Iceland Post 01 - VIDEO

* I talked to the director of The Vik Institute, Armand Zander, about the fire. To find the video:
Go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMS-S0wms6c

The equation Zander said those autistic savants were “running” sounded an awful lot like the Valenzetti Equation. I emailed Zander for more information…

9. Iceland Post 02

Zander sent me an email with the hieroglyphs he talked about. Taken together, the consensus seemed to be that they meant “(to cause) to die.” When I tried to contact Zander for more info, I got an error email and no answer on his phone.

10. Iceland Post 03 - AUDIO

* Armand Zander disappeared, and Mittelwerk slipped away once again. The question? Where? Listening to a DJ Dan podcast gave me an idea… To find the DJ Dan PODCAST:
Go to http://www.retrieversoftruth.com/users/BroadBandBeatnik/htdocs/audio/MathematicalForecasting.mp3

Yeah, I admitted to being Persephone.

Back to that idea… the mathematical forecaster talking to DJ Dan said Enzo Valenzetti “disappeared.” I wondered if Mittelwerk hadn’t gone looking for Valenzetti, at which point GidgetGirl posted that he was in the Italian Riviera, the last place Valenzetti had been seen alive!

11. Italy Post 01 - VIDEO

* I followed Mittelwerk to the Riviera. To find the video:
Go to http://www.richerdeeperbroader.com/welcome/your/next/video/needs/your/experiences/check/tomorrow/
username: rblake, password: allveggie

Hoping to find Valenzetti before Mittelwerk, I asked my friends for help… And I had a slight “falling out” with GidgetGirl.

12. Italy Post 02 – AUDIO

* With all the questions surrounding the Valenzetti Equation’s veracity, this conversation I recorded shed some light. To find it:
Go to http://au.docs.yahoo.com/rachels-cast/
Username: rblake, password: organharvest
Click on 'execs on the beach'…

The conversation proved to us that those savants WERE running the Valenzetti Equation, but doubt lingered over whether it was the correct version… Did this explain why Mittelwerk was in the Riviera?

13. Italy Post 03 - AUDIO

* Thinking I was following Mittelwerk to Valenzetti, I was surprised when he checked into a local hospital for some treatments. I bribed a nurse to find out what he had done to himself. To find the audio clip:
Go to http://www.channel4.com/entertainment/tv/microsites/L/lost/assets/blake.mp3

All those injections and an exchange transfusion… all of it pointed to Mittelwerk going to this mysterious island for the SPIDER PROTOCOL…

14. Italy Post 04

Mittelwerk got away again, this time on the deck of his “special” ship – named The Helgus Antonius. According to the comments, the best guesses re: the name’s meaning were either “The Holy Flower” or “St. Anthony…” the Patron Saint of Lost Things. We all wondered, where could this ship be GOING??

15. Italy Post 05

Tried to bribe the harbormaster to give me some info on the Helgus Antonius, but according to him, it never arrived and it never left.

16. Italy Post 06 - AUDIO

* Got a phone call from GidgetGirl. To find the audio clip:
Go to http://stophanso.rachelblake.com/audio/audio.html

I had to go meet GidgetGirl in Paris, even if it might be a trap.

17. Paris Post 01 – VIDEO

* To find the video:
Go to http://www.sublymonal.com
Type “listen” in the box
Click on the “Talib” window
As the song is playing, click on Talib’s flashing eyeball
Type “rblake” in the top box, “milkcartonman” in the bottom box

18. Tuesday, July 18, 2006

* To find the video:
Go to http://www.jeep.com/en/compass/
Click on “Safety/Security”
Click on “Crush Zones” (on the grill)
Click on “View Demo”

19. Thursday, July 20, 2006

* To find the video:
Go to http://monster.typepad.com/monsterblog/2006/07/what_was_your_w.html
Click on the link http://adminsupport.monster.com/articles/bad-boss-mirror/
At the bottom of the page, click on the link 'click here'
Click on the video entitled “Can She Trust Him?”

By the way, all that “He wants me to help you” business? Ignore it. I have no idea what that guy was talking about.

20. Friday, July 21, 2006

* To find the video:
Go to www.richerdeeperbroader.com
Click on “Fuel Passions” under the “Quick Links” menu
Click the window of the building directly below the words “broadbandstories.com” (right under the “.”)
Username: rblake, password: hoo-gonchoi
Click “clip” in the window that opens

That package of items led me to Sri Lanka…

And, now, you are ready to FIND and ASSEMBLE the video I shot in Sri Lanka. Good luck. Share with your friends. Keep fighting.

- Rachel

MORE DETAIL on The Hanso Foundation:

The Hanso Foundation is currently working on 6 major projects, each with its own dark underbelly:

The Mathematical Forecasting Initiative

Their claim: Have you seen their AD? They’d have you believe that “By understanding and modeling the mathematic probability of seismic human events, The Hanso Foundation can illuminate the path ahead and provide a true road map to the betterment of humanity.”

The truth: Their population growth models have been used to foster tribal wars in Africa. They have an enclave of mathematicians working in secret on a doomsday formula called the Valenzetti Equation.

Worldwide Wellness and Prevention Development Program

Their claim: “The Worldwide Wellness and Prevention Development Program… [is] a far-reaching educational initiative designed to teach the basics of sanitation, nutrition and disease prevention to the world.”

The truth: Hanso-funded hospitals in the developing world have been participating in unauthorized experimentation and live organ-harvesting programs. Patient rights have been violated, families destroyed, and the press accounts have been suppressed.

Mental Health Appeal

Their claim: The Foundation’s cutting-edge research and facilities are aimed at fully eradicating mental illness by the end of this century. Their flagship mental health facility, The Vik Institute (in Vik, Iceland), offers gene therapies, radical pharmaceutical treatments and the latest in both surgery and psychotherapy.

The truth: The Vik Institute’s own director, Armand Zander, is now missing, presumably murdered, after speaking to me regarding a team of mathematicians working in secret within The Vik Institute. His assertion? That Dr. Thomas Werner Mittelwerk, President of The Hanso Foundation, has used institutionalized autistic savants as human computers to run the mysterious Valenzetti Equation. But to what end?

Electromagnetic Research Initiative

Their claim: “Through a myriad of experiments worldwide, the Electromagnetic Research Initiative brings us a step closer to understanding this crucial force -– and in doing so, our place in the Universe.”

The truth: The Hanso Foundation has erected an electromagnetic antenna off the coast of East Asia for some unknown purpose. It has disrupted telecommunications, knocked out satellites and deformed ocean life, but Hanso Foundation bribes to high-placed foreign officials have kept the project up and running.

The Institute for Genomic Advancement

Their claim: “In what may be the most forward-reaching of The Hanso Foundation’s active projects, the Institute seeks nothing less than the eradication of disease and birth defects through a deeper understanding of the function and mechanisms of the human genome.”

The truth: The Hanso Foundation is tampering with the genetic structures of an unknown number of animal and microbial species. Photo evidence of a beached shark with a Hanso-specific tag, as well as a bacterial outbreak in Tanzania, indicates they have already released some of these genetically modified species into the wild.

The Life-Extension Project

Their claim: “The grand summation of all of the Foundation’s work – from prevention and wellness, to the development of new gene therapies and the development of young minds -– is nothing less than the extension of life itself.”

The truth: Their life-extension programs have spawned deadly disease outbreaks in Africa, the news of which has been suppressed with bribes and internal takeovers within the Global Welfare Consortium, the world’s leading medical watchdog organization.

The DHARMA Initiative

There is also a seventh project… called the DHARMA Initiative. Little is known about this program, but everything I’ve discovered has led me to the conclusion that the scientists of the DHARMA Initiative disappeared over 30 years ago.

What happened to them???

LOST Recap - Spoilers

What is The Hanso Foundation?

Their claim: they’re a globe-spanning, philanthropic organization dedicated to the betterment of mankind through social/scientific research and innovative technology. Their slogan is “Reaching Out to a Better Tomorrow.”

The truth: The Hanso Foundation will pursue its science at any cost. Their chief executives are corrupt. They have a mysterious agenda that has already destroyed countless lives - through war, medical experimentation, bribery, lies, and murder. And, they’ve been planning something huge. It’s called the SPIDER PROTOCOL. I've been working to expose the truth... and now their crosshairs are set on me.

If you want MORE DETAIL, click HERE…

Who is Persephone?

Persephone is my hacker alias, the name I used while hacking The Hanso Foundation’s website and phone systems. Once The Hanso Foundation shut down its website, I felt it was time to give the people joining in my mission a real name and face to connect with -– Rachel Blake. And, so, I started this blog.

Who is Rachel Blake?

That’s me. People wonder, why am I doing this? Do I have some sort of personal stake in this battle against Thomas Werner Mittelwerk, Alvar Hanso, and The Hanso Foundation? The way I see it, EVERYONE has personal motivations driving them. And, in the same way, everyone has a demon or two biting at their heels. Point is… does it really matter what it takes to get you into the fight as long as you show up?

I’m doing what I have to do. Personal or not, knowing what I do, seeing the MASSIVE THREAT AND DANGER these guys are to us all, it’s not a choice anymore whether to fight or not.

Are Rachel Blake and Persephone really the same person?

Yep. Not that I really think my word will stop you arguing about it.

Who is Alvar Hanso?

He started as an arms dealer back in WWII. Made a fortune selling death and destruction, even contributed to the creation of the atom bomb. At some point his conscience seemed to catch up to him, and he started The Hanso Foundation to wash away his sins. But, as far as the evidence shows, it didn’t take. The Hanso Foundation has strayed far from its mission of bettering humanity and is now a threat to us all.

But, where exactly IS Hanso?

Nobody seems to know. Is he alive? Dead? Truly missing? I uncovered a letter from a Spanish doctor claiming old Alvar has some sort of rare blood disorder… could it be a result of his own experimentation? All I know is that for far too long Hanso hasn’t answered for the actions he and his cronies have set in motion. When I do find him, he’s gonna have a lot of explaining to do.

Who is Dr. Thomas Werner Mittelwerk?

Don’t take that “Dr.” title too seriously -– Mittelwerk, while he may be some sort of evil genius, is a fraud through-and-through. He’s no more a doctor than I am a girl on a European vacation.

For many years Mittelwerk was Alvar Hanso’s lieutenant and chief technologist. But, since Hanso’s disappearance, the good doc has taken over the role of President and now has The Hanso Foundation under his (apparent) control. Mittelwerk likes to present himself as some sort of forward-thinking, eco-friendly guy (check out his TV ads), but the actions of the Foundation tell another story. I followed him, pieced together his plot, and ended up in Sri Lanka. The things I saw there… well, you’re gonna see them too, as soon as you guys find and put together my video.

Who are GidgetGirl/Darla Taft and Hugh McIntyre?

For those of you who have been following my work, you’ll know that GidgetGirl a.k.a. Darla Taft helped track down Mittelwerk. Darla was a corporate liaison for the Global Welfare Consortium, and it seems she was, for some time, feeding information to her lover, the married and self-proclaimed “family man” Hugh McIntyre. Hugh was Communications Director of The Hanso Foundation, the mouthpiece for the entire organization. He used Darla’s warnings to spin The Hanso Foundation’s lies and respond before the GWC could shut their programs down.

There came a point, though, where the lies and crimes became too much for Hugh and Darla. Darla began helping me under the guise of GidgetGirl, but when she tried to point me toward the SPIDER PROTOCOL and Sri Lanka, Mittelwerk had Hugh and Darla murdered.

Who is DJ Dan?

He’s a half-crazed, half-brilliant conspiracy theorist radio host who produces his show “Shutting Down the Man” from an ever-changing list of far-fetched locations. He’s been an opponent of The Hanso Foundation for years and has a legion of ConspiraSpies to aid in the struggle.

I even called in to his show once…

Who is Joop?

Joop is a product of The Life-Extension Project. Check out the ad. He’s a 105-year-old orangutan, the oldest in the world, and he’s supposed to somehow help make The Hanso Foundation palatable to families and children. You ask me? He’s a prisoner and a victim -- just one more example of why The Hanso Foundation needs to be stopped.

Timeline/Walkthrough of my quest to STOP HANSO:

In May/June, I hacked The Hanso Foundation website as Persephone. Once they caught on to the damage I was doing, they shut the site down.

At that point, I started this blog. I snagged tons of audio/video for it, but to keep the Hanso squad from hacking me and taking my evidence down, I had to hide my clips on a bunch of corporate websites. It worked -- but finding some of the clips was pretty tough.

Cause this stuff’s important, I’m giving you newbies the quick ‘n’ dirty:

1. Copenhagen Post 01 - VIDEO

* This one’s actually right here on the site.

2. Copenhagen Post 02 - VIDEO

* Five days in. I followed Mittelwerk around, shot a vid. To find it:
Go to http://www.broadbandstories.com
Click on the window titled “Ultimate Journey” – it’s the one with the motorcycle.

I got into the shipping archive and discovered Mittelwerk was researching historic shipping lanes near the equator. A couple of clever folks commented, later on, that the shipping company was owned by Hanso, and that in the 1800s, Alvar Hanso’s grandfather was the captain of a slave ship called The Black Rock.

3. Copenhagen Post 03

With little to go on from Mittelwerk, I posted the dirt I had on Hugh McIntyre, which amounted to photos of him and his mistress from the Global Welfare Consortium. Not long after, GidgetGirl first made contact, trying to guilt me into removing the photos. No dice.

4. Copenhagen Post 04 - AUDIO

* I hid a mic in a pepper shaker and recorded a conversation between Mittelwerk and a crony of his. To find it:
Go to http://au.docs.yahoo.com/mittelwerk/
username: rblake, password: 105years
Click on the phrase “peeping on tom”

Oh, didn’t I mention that conversation was in Korean? We got a bunch of translations, some good and some that didn’t make sense in any language. The consensus was that they were talking about a “Mr. Paik” having built a special ship for Mittelwerk…

5. Copenhagen Post 05 – VIDEO

* I decided to step it up. To find the video:
Go to http://www.sublymonal.com
Type “truth safe reckon copenhagen alvar sumo” in the box
Type “better tomorrow” in the next box
Click the folder labeled “48”
Click the file “untitled-1.html”

I posted one of the several island maps Mittelwerk was carrying on him. As blurry as it was, my friends were still able to locate it in Lake Superior… We would soon find out that Mittelwerk was scouting these islands as possible sites for something called the SPIDER PROTOCOL.

GidgetGirl got in touch again. She and I made a deal: if she gave me good intel, I would take those photos of Hugh McIntyre down.

6. Copenhagen Post 06 - VIDEO

* I was “visited” by the man that appeared to be Mittelwerk’s attendant (see vid for Copenhagen Post 05). To find the video:
Go to http://www.jeep.com/en/compass/
Click “Interior”
Click “In Back”
Click the dot labeled “Removable Flashlight”
Click “View Demo”

That call he received was from Mittelwerk - I saw it on the cell phone.

7. Copenhagen Post 07

GidgetGirl contacted me. Said Mittelwerk went to Iceland to deal with a fire at The Vik Institute, a part of the Hanso Mental Health Appeal.

She also sent an article describing the fire. Strangely, a world-renowned mathematician, Vigi Benoffski, was killed in the blaze.

8. Iceland Post 01 - VIDEO

* I talked to the director of The Vik Institute, Armand Zander, about the fire. To find the video:
Go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMS-S0wms6c

The equation Zander said those autistic savants were “running” sounded an awful lot like the Valenzetti Equation. I emailed Zander for more information…

9. Iceland Post 02

Zander sent me an email with the hieroglyphs he talked about. Taken together, the consensus seemed to be that they meant “(to cause) to die.” When I tried to contact Zander for more info, I got an error email and no answer on his phone.

10. Iceland Post 03 - AUDIO

* Armand Zander disappeared, and Mittelwerk slipped away once again. The question? Where? Listening to a DJ Dan podcast gave me an idea… To find the DJ Dan PODCAST:
Go to http://www.retrieversoftruth.com/users/BroadBandBeatnik/htdocs/audio/MathematicalForecasting.mp3

Yeah, I admitted to being Persephone.

Back to that idea… the mathematical forecaster talking to DJ Dan said Enzo Valenzetti “disappeared.” I wondered if Mittelwerk hadn’t gone looking for Valenzetti, at which point GidgetGirl posted that he was in the Italian Riviera, the last place Valenzetti had been seen alive!

11. Italy Post 01 - VIDEO

* I followed Mittelwerk to the Riviera. To find the video:
Go to http://www.richerdeeperbroader.com/welcome/your/next/video/needs/your/experiences/check/tomorrow/
username: rblake, password: allveggie

Hoping to find Valenzetti before Mittelwerk, I asked my friends for help… And I had a slight “falling out” with GidgetGirl.

12. Italy Post 02 – AUDIO

* With all the questions surrounding the Valenzetti Equation’s veracity, this conversation I recorded shed some light. To find it:
Go to http://au.docs.yahoo.com/rachels-cast/
Username: rblake, password: organharvest
Click on 'execs on the beach'…

The conversation proved to us that those savants WERE running the Valenzetti Equation, but doubt lingered over whether it was the correct version… Did this explain why Mittelwerk was in the Riviera?

13. Italy Post 03 - AUDIO

* Thinking I was following Mittelwerk to Valenzetti, I was surprised when he checked into a local hospital for some treatments. I bribed a nurse to find out what he had done to himself. To find the audio clip:
Go to http://www.channel4.com/entertainment/tv/microsites/L/lost/assets/blake.mp3

All those injections and an exchange transfusion… all of it pointed to Mittelwerk going to this mysterious island for the SPIDER PROTOCOL…

14. Italy Post 04

Mittelwerk got away again, this time on the deck of his “special” ship – named The Helgus Antonius. According to the comments, the best guesses re: the name’s meaning were either “The Holy Flower” or “St. Anthony…” the Patron Saint of Lost Things. We all wondered, where could this ship be GOING??

15. Italy Post 05

Tried to bribe the harbormaster to give me some info on the Helgus Antonius, but according to him, it never arrived and it never left.

16. Italy Post 06 - AUDIO

* Got a phone call from GidgetGirl. To find the audio clip:
Go to http://stophanso.rachelblake.com/audio/audio.html

I had to go meet GidgetGirl in Paris, even if it might be a trap.

17. Paris Post 01 – VIDEO

* To find the video:
Go to http://www.sublymonal.com
Type “listen” in the box
Click on the “Talib” window
As the song is playing, click on Talib’s flashing eyeball
Type “rblake” in the top box, “milkcartonman” in the bottom box

18. Tuesday, July 18, 2006

* To find the video:
Go to http://www.jeep.com/en/compass/
Click on “Safety/Security”
Click on “Crush Zones” (on the grill)
Click on “View Demo”

19. Thursday, July 20, 2006

* To find the video:
Go to http://monster.typepad.com/monsterblog/2006/07/what_was_your_w.html
Click on the link http://adminsupport.monster.com/articles/bad-boss-mirror/
At the bottom of the page, click on the link 'click here'
Click on the video entitled “Can She Trust Him?”

By the way, all that “He wants me to help you” business? Ignore it. I have no idea what that guy was talking about.

20. Friday, July 21, 2006

* To find the video:
Go to www.richerdeeperbroader.com
Click on “Fuel Passions” under the “Quick Links” menu
Click the window of the building directly below the words “broadbandstories.com” (right under the “.”)
Username: rblake, password: hoo-gonchoi
Click “clip” in the window that opens

That package of items led me to Sri Lanka…

And, now, you are ready to FIND and ASSEMBLE the video I shot in Sri Lanka. Good luck. Share with your friends. Keep fighting.

- Rachel

MORE DETAIL on The Hanso Foundation:

The Hanso Foundation is currently working on 6 major projects, each with its own dark underbelly:

The Mathematical Forecasting Initiative

Their claim: Have you seen their AD? They’d have you believe that “By understanding and modeling the mathematic probability of seismic human events, The Hanso Foundation can illuminate the path ahead and provide a true road map to the betterment of humanity.”

The truth: Their population growth models have been used to foster tribal wars in Africa. They have an enclave of mathematicians working in secret on a doomsday formula called the Valenzetti Equation.

Worldwide Wellness and Prevention Development Program

Their claim: “The Worldwide Wellness and Prevention Development Program… [is] a far-reaching educational initiative designed to teach the basics of sanitation, nutrition and disease prevention to the world.”

The truth: Hanso-funded hospitals in the developing world have been participating in unauthorized experimentation and live organ-harvesting programs. Patient rights have been violated, families destroyed, and the press accounts have been suppressed.

Mental Health Appeal

Their claim: The Foundation’s cutting-edge research and facilities are aimed at fully eradicating mental illness by the end of this century. Their flagship mental health facility, The Vik Institute (in Vik, Iceland), offers gene therapies, radical pharmaceutical treatments and the latest in both surgery and psychotherapy.

The truth: The Vik Institute’s own director, Armand Zander, is now missing, presumably murdered, after speaking to me regarding a team of mathematicians working in secret within The Vik Institute. His assertion? That Dr. Thomas Werner Mittelwerk, President of The Hanso Foundation, has used institutionalized autistic savants as human computers to run the mysterious Valenzetti Equation. But to what end?

Electromagnetic Research Initiative

Their claim: “Through a myriad of experiments worldwide, the Electromagnetic Research Initiative brings us a step closer to understanding this crucial force -– and in doing so, our place in the Universe.”

The truth: The Hanso Foundation has erected an electromagnetic antenna off the coast of East Asia for some unknown purpose. It has disrupted telecommunications, knocked out satellites and deformed ocean life, but Hanso Foundation bribes to high-placed foreign officials have kept the project up and running.

The Institute for Genomic Advancement

Their claim: “In what may be the most forward-reaching of The Hanso Foundation’s active projects, the Institute seeks nothing less than the eradication of disease and birth defects through a deeper understanding of the function and mechanisms of the human genome.”

The truth: The Hanso Foundation is tampering with the genetic structures of an unknown number of animal and microbial species. Photo evidence of a beached shark with a Hanso-specific tag, as well as a bacterial outbreak in Tanzania, indicates they have already released some of these genetically modified species into the wild.

The Life-Extension Project

Their claim: “The grand summation of all of the Foundation’s work – from prevention and wellness, to the development of new gene therapies and the development of young minds -– is nothing less than the extension of life itself.”

The truth: Their life-extension programs have spawned deadly disease outbreaks in Africa, the news of which has been suppressed with bribes and internal takeovers within the Global Welfare Consortium, the world’s leading medical watchdog organization.

The DHARMA Initiative

There is also a seventh project… called the DHARMA Initiative. Little is known about this program, but everything I’ve discovered has led me to the conclusion that the scientists of the DHARMA Initiative disappeared over 30 years ago.

What happened to them???


Algumas linhas importantes sobre a exist~encia do "eu"

Even the intellectual understanding of the inexistence of our 'selves' is a rare and bitter attainment which few even attempt. And that is only the elimination round which qualifies us for access to Reality... Intellectual understanding should be not indispensable to a 'simple' mind, but, with our conditioning, it would seem to be an almost inevitable preliminary. - Why Lazurus Laughed by Wei Wu Wei


bandagens feitas de .... camarão?!? =)

A high-tech bandage made of shrimp
An exotic military wound dressing invades the civilian market.
FORTUNE Small Business Magazine
Philip Siekman
July 10 2006: 9:31 AM EDT

PORTLAND, ORE. (FORTUNE Small Business) -- More than half of all military combat deaths result from blood loss. So when Bill Wiesmann and Kenton Gregory developed a shrimp-derived trauma dressing with unique blood-stanching properties, the U.S. military was their first and most obvious customer. The Army had already invested $300,000 in grant funding to help Gregory develop a prototype bandage. The Afghanistan campaign was underway. Iraq lay ahead. The Army wanted its bandages. Now.

Gregory, 51, is a research MD who heads the Oregon Laser Center at Provident St. Vincent Medical Center in Portland, Ore. Wiesmann, 60, knew his way through the Pentagon procurement maze, having recently retired from an Army job as head of research on combat-casualty care. The partners hoped to license their bandage to an established health-care company but found no takers. Instead they launched HemCon (short for "hemorrhage control") in the Portland suburb of Tigard. Both men pledged their homes to raise startup capital. The gamble paid off: By the end of 2005 the Army had purchased 100,000 HemCon bandages for more than $90 each. This year the Army is ordering another 180,000 and issuing one to every U.S. soldier in Iraq and Afghanistan and five to every medic.
HemCon's bandages are synthesized from North Atlantic shrimp. The shrimp shells contain chitosan, an organic substance that sticks to the skin around a wound and promotes blood clotting.

HemCon's revenues will total about $20 million this year, up from next to nothing in 2003. Now HemCon is trying to turn its military success into a broad-based civilian business. Possible civilian uses for the dressing range from paramedics' kits to more specialized applications, such as stopping bleeding after a hemodialysis (blood cleansing) session for victims of kidney ailments.

The HemCon bandage contains chitosan (pronounced KY-ta-san), an organic substance found in crustacean shells. Scientists have long known that chitosan stops bleeding, but Wiesmann and Gregory were the first to develop a chitosan bandage. HemCon's process starts with chitosan processed in Iceland from shrimp shells. After mixing it with acetic acid and turning it into a gel, the material is cast into tiles, each four inches square and a bit more than half an inch thick. The squares are then freeze-dried in a vacuum chamber, compressed to about half their original thickness, and backed with a thin sheet of brown plastic. Now looking like a square beer coaster-and smelling slightly of vinegar-each bandage is sealed in foil and sterilized by gamma radiation.

When placed on a wound, the chitosan bandage sticks to surrounding tissue and creates a seal that blocks the flow of blood. The bandage also promotes clotting because blood cells and platelets carry a negative electrical charge and are attracted to chitosan, which bears a positive charge. Chitosan even has antibacterial properties, so it helps ward off infection until a patient reaches a medical facility, where the dressing can be peeled off easily. The bandage has stopped severe bleeding from combat wounds more than nine times out of ten, according to an Army study. Unlike a coagulant powder used by the Marine Corps, which might burn healthy tissue, the HemCon bandage causes no tissue damage.

To penetrate civilian markets, HemCon needs to cut costs. HemCon CEO John Morgan, 46, says that higher volumes and improved factory efficiency will soon drive the Army's price per bandage below $80. But civilian sales require extra marketing and inventory expenses, plus profits for distributors and dealers. Morgan estimates that the retail price for a civilian version of the four-by four-inch dressing would be as high as $125.That's a staggering price for health-care professionals used to paying pennies for a gauze bandage.

But rescue workers believe that HemCon's product saves money as well as lives. Last June, Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue, which serves a population of 400,000 in three counties near Portland, Ore., issued bandages donated by HemCon to its 30 paramedic units. Rescue workers found the bandages effective in treating elderly patients who sustained head lacerations in falls, according to EMS chief Mark Stevens. The reason? Many seniors take anticoagulant drugs. They can bleed so profusely from a scalp wound that they require an expensive transfusion. HemCon's dressing mitigates that risk, so Stevens plans to replenish the donated bandages. To keep costs down, he'll probably choose smaller dressings priced around $50 for a two- by four-inch version and $25 for a two by two.

Pending FDA approval, HemCon will soon launch a second civilian product, a small chitosan dressing that dentists can stuff into the bleeding socket after a tooth extraction. In clinical trials the bandage stopped bleeding in two minutes or less, vs. ten to 15 minutes for patients who bit down on a wad of gauze. At less than $10, HemCon's dental bandage is a bargain, says Hal Oien, a dentist in Beaverton, Ore., who helped run the trial. Time is money in the oral-surgery business. So dentists often apply a coagulant gel that doesn't work as well as the HemCon dressing and costs about as much.
"HemCon's patch closes the wound so well that the usual callback visit might not be needed," Oien adds. As with so many products, the cheapest bandage isn't always the most cost effective.

Pump up the irons!

Extraído do omelete (link)

O Iron Maiden revelou nesta terça-feira pela manhã, através de seu site oficial, a capa do seu 14° álbum de estúdio, A matter of life and death. A arte abaixo estampa a temática de boa parte do novo trabalho, a guerra. A faixa “Brighter than a thousand suns”, por exemplo, fala sobre a bomba atômica e a capacidade dos homens para a destruição.

Resenhas preliminares do álbum já podem ser encontradas na Internet e a maioria o avalia de maneira positiva. Ao contrário de muitas expectativas, A matter of life and death tem sido comentado não como uma volta do Iron Maiden ao heavy metal que praticava há vinte anos mas sim como uma evolução, uma espécie de seqüência do que a banda realizou em Dance of death. A matter of life and death promete ser um álbum mais progressivo e sinfônico, mas sem perder os elementos característicos que consagraram o Iron Maiden.

Após o lançamento do álbum, o Maiden segue para o Japão para a turnê de divulgação, passando em seguida pela Europa, cujos ingressos para todas as datas da turnê já estão praticamente esgotados. Ainda não se sabe quando a banda desembarcará na América Latina.


Spider man teaser trailer


O que eu tenho a dizer é... [ka-ham]


...espero que não estraguem meu vilao predileto de homem aranha. E diga-se de passagem que os efeitos para o homem areia lembram um pouco "A Múmia", mas estão bonitos.

Supáido man tureeee


sanity applet

Pela manhã, antes da sagrada xícara de café, esse é o titulo que aparece no meu download de aplicações para um data-room. Curioso, decido checar o que é e descubro que é...

Sanity is a collection of web based software design tools. The collection, currently consists of a data modeling tool (using the entity relation diagraming notation) and a use case modeling tool.

Bonequinhos, sanidade e café.


On Immortality

If you were to destroy in mankind the belief in immortality, not only love but every living force maintaining the life of the world would at once be dried up.
- Dostoevsky


Três - Roubado descaradamente da Doninha

3 coisas que eu odeio fazer ou que me dão medo
* reunião de negócios
* ter que dar esporro
* gente burra

3 coisas que eu gosto
* namorar
* Birita
* ler

3 coisas importantes na minha casa
* computador
* Playstation
* cama (em breve caminha nova)

3 fatos sobre a minha pessoa
* Detesto gente burra
* Sobrevivo
* Não faço questão de ser bom

3 coisas que planejo fazer antes de morrer
* uma ou umas tatuagem(ns)
* ter um(a/s) filho(a/s)
* viajar muito mais

3 coisas que consigo/posso fazer
* Sarcasmo
* Ironia
* o que quiser =)

3 coisas que não consigo fazer ou não poderia fazer
* política
* Ser Padre
* ser conivente com ditadorezinhos

3 coisas que eu mais digo
* "Eu nao sou designer, p*rra!"
* yes sir / no sir

3 locais onde viveu
* Laranjeiras
* Juiz de Fora
* Tijuca

3 empregos que teve na vida
* piloto
* analista de suporte
* advogado

3 filmes que poderia rever
* Sin city
* Moulin Rouge
* Os suspeitos

3 séries de TV que gosta de ver
* Lost
* Alias
* 4400

3 locais favoritos que visitou de férias
* Ilha Grande
* Búzios
* Bienvenidos a miamiiii =P

3 sites que visita diariamente
* Gmail
* Zilhoes de jornais via RSS
* Google

3 comidas favoritas
* Sashimi de salmão (peixinho!)
* Churrasco
* a Minha comida, pq cozinho bagaray =D


You Are Strength

You represent both fiery energy and steadfast will.
You are innocent and naive - yet unafraid and undaunted.
Perhaps you don't have the most powerful physical strength...
But your mental powers make up for any amount of muscle.

Your fortune:

Lately, you have been a pillar of ethics and moral strength.
And while things may be difficult, your faith in yourself will come through.
You may need to conquer the animalistic nature of yourself or others, with gentle force.
Although this may seem like the darkest hour for you, victory is near.


São Francisco - A PC World selecionou os piores produtos de todos os tempos de tecnologia. Confira a lista completa.

1. America Online (1989-2006)

Desde que a América Online nasceu da barriga de uma BBS chamada Quantum "PC-Link", em 1989, seus usuários enfrentaram softwares terríveis, números de dial-up inacessíveis, anúncios agressivos, cobrança questionável, serviço de suporte sofrível e spam para uma vida inteira.A mais cara entre os concorrentes, a empresa teve sucesso no início ao perseguir os novatos com técnicas agressivas - nos anos 90 não se podia abrir uma revista (incluindo a PC World) ou caixa de correio sem que um CD da AOL caísse dela. Mas uma vez que a AOL o tinha em suas mãos, o cliente encontrava problemas para se livrar dela. A companhia sofreu diversos processos de clientes que cancelaram o serviço e continuaram a ser cobrados, e pagou US$ 1,25 milhão de dólares em indenização somente a usuários de Nova York.Quando os clientes começaram a explorar a web de fato, se deram conta da má qualidade dos serviços, e AOL foi sendo gradativamente abandonada. Hoje, a empresa se concentra em se reinventar como provedora de conteúdo e não de acesso. Sua aventura na América Latina terminou em falência e na venda da maior parte das operações, incluindo a do Brasil, que fechou definitivamente as portas no início do ano.

É, a America online era uma piada a parte. Quem não lembra das propagandas no estilo " se você é um imbecil completo como a Vera Loyola, você pode usar? Aqueles cds grátis eram um saco para desinstalar, lembro de ter ganhando algum troco com isso. =) E alguns porta copos...

2. RealNetworks RealPlayer (1999)

Uma frustrante incapacidade de tocar arquivos de mídia - em parte por conta da constante mudança de formatos - foi apenas parte dos problemas do RealPlayer. O tocador também tinha o irritante hábito de ficar à vontade no seu PC, se autodefinindo como software preferencial, tomando liberdades com o Windows Registry, abrindo janelas com mensagens chatas que eram mais como anúncios, e por aí vai...A isso se soma a insistente mania da Real de monitorar os hábitos musicais de seus usuários, com os softwares RealJukeBox, RealPlayer G2 e RealDownload, que lhe rendeu uma avalanche de publicidade negativa. Apesar disso, a empresa ainda merece crédito por ser a primeira a oferecer um tocador de mídia gratuito e por enfrentar a Microsoft. Apreciamos o fato de haver um concorrente ao Windows Media Player, só queríamos que ele fosse melhor.

O sprodutos da Real faziam hmmm munch munch na memória no início. E tem muita gente que não percebe que os primeiros meses de um produto são críticos - a partir do momento que o boca - a - boca se instalou, consertar uma imagem fica beeeem mais caro e difícil.

3. Syncronys SoftRAM (1995)

Em 1995, uma RAM custava de 30 a 50 dólares e as aplicações do Windows 95 demandavam cada vez mais do PC. A idéia de dobrar a memória instalando um software de 30 dólares parecia tentadora. Os 700 mil usuários que compraram o SoftRAM certamente achavam isso. Infelizmente, não foi isso que eles receberam.Na verdade, a única coisa que o SoftRAM fazia era expandir o tamanho do cache do disco rígido - algo que qualquer um com experiência mínima fria sem ajuda nenhuma de software em um minuto. Ainda assim, o ganho em performance era questionável. A Comissão de Comércio dos Estados Unidos considerou o produto falso e enganador e a empresa foi obrigada a tirá-lo das prateleiras e pagar indenizações. Em 1999 a empresa faliu e ninguém sentiu sua falta.

4. Microsoft Windows Millennium (2000)

Essa é provavelmente a pior versão do Windows já lançada - ou pelo menos desde os temíveis dias de Windows 2.0. O Windows Millennium Edition (ME) - também apelidado de Mistaken Edition (em português, edição equivocada) - era a continuação do Windows 98 para usuários domésticos. Logo após sua aparição no final de 2000, os usuários reportaram problemas para instalá-lo, fazê-lo funcionar com outros hardwares e softwares e até para fazê-lo parar. Fora isso, o ME funcionava muito bem. Seu crédito é ter introduzido funções populares como a recuperação de arquivos - exceto pelo fato de que ele recuperava inclusive arquivos indesejados, como vírus deletados. Esqueça a virada do ano 2000, este é o verdadeiro bug do milênio.

Sem comentários sobre essa... só quem usou sabe a merda sem tamanho que é

5. Sony BMG Music CDs (2005)

Quando você coloca um CD de música no seu computador, a última coisa que você espera é que ele se transforme em um brinquedo de hacker. Isso é exatamente o que a Sony BMG Music Entertainment fez com seus CDs em 2005. O sistema de proteção à cópia instalava um rootkit, tornando-o invisível até mesmo a antispywares ou antivírus. Com mais de 500 mil máquinas afetadas, a Sony lançou uma correção ainda mais problemática, recolheu os CDs do mercado, e enfrentou uma enxurrada de processos. Tornar sua máquina vulnerável a ataques - essa não é a função da Microsoft?


6. CD-ROM O Rei Leão, da Disney (1994)

Pesadelo do Natal de diversas criancinhas, o CD-ROM do Rei Leão confiava no novo mecanismo gráfico da Microsoft, o WinG, e drivers de vídeo que tinham que ser manualmente configurados. O problema é que a Compaq lançou um Presario com drivers de vídeo que não tinham sido testados. Resultado: quando as crianças foram brincar com seu presente na manhã de Natal tudo que ganharam foi uma tela azul.

A mãe do bambi...ela....ela....deu GPF?

7. Microsoft Bob (1995)

Nenhuma lista dos piores estaria completa com o primo idiota do Windows, o Bob. Desenvolvido como uma interface social para o Windows 3.1, o Bob era uma sala de estar com diversos objetos clicáveis e uma série de personagens animados, como o Gato Chaos e o Rato Scuzz que o conduziam por uma pequena suíte de aplicativos. Felizmente, o Bob foi enterrado com a chegada do Windows 95, embora alguns personagens - como o clipe animado de papel - tenham sobrevivido para perturbar os usuários.

Bob é nome de planeta.

8. Internet Explorer 6 (2001)

Cheio de recursos, fácil de usar, e um convite mortal a hackers e outros delinqüentes digitais, o Internet Explorer 6.x é provavelmente o software menos seguro do planeta. O software era tão perigoso que em 2004 o Computer Emergency Readiness Team (CERT) tomou a drástica medida de aconselhar os usuários a usarem qualquer navegador menos o IE.

9. Pressplay e MusicNet 2002

Duas das primeiras iniciativas da indústria musical para oferecer conteúdo online mostraram que as gravadoras não entendiam do negócio. O PressPlay cobrava 15 dólares por mês pelo direito de ouvir 500 músicas de baixa qualidade, baixar quarenta faixas e gravar um CD com 10 músicas. A idéia nem parecia tão ruim, até se descobrir que nem todas as faixas podiam ser baixadas e só era possível gravar duas músicas de cada artista.O MusicNet custava 10 dólares por mês para ter acesso a 100 músicas para streaming e 100 downloads, mas cada download expirava em 30 dias. Muitos downloads ilegais depois, uma empresa de fora - a Apple, com seu iTunes - mostrou a gravadoras o jeito certo de vender música digital.

10. Ashton-Tate dBASE IV (1988)

Nos primeiros dias do PC, dBASE era sinônimo de banco de dados. Ao final dos anos 80, o produto da Ashton-Tate tinha 70% do mercado. Tudo mudou com o dBASE IV. Terrivelmente lento e com mais buracos que uma peneira, o produto de 795 dólares foi um desastre.

11. Priceline venda de gasolina e comestíveis (2000)

A Priceline desenvolveu um modelo de negócios no qual você dizia o quanto você queria pagar. Ele funcionou bem com passagens aéreas, aluguel de carros e hotel, mas não com venda de gasolina e produtos comestíveis.

12. PointCast Network (1996)

Vamos voltar a meados dos anos 90, quando uma tecnologia chamada push iria revolucionar a internet. Em vez de surfar na web em busca de notícias e informação, as aplicações push, como a PointCast Network, levariam as informações personalizadas até o seu desktop.Mas logo a tecnologia push se mostrou um desastre, à medida que consumia muita banda, em uma época que as conexões ainda eram discadas e lentas. Além disso, serviços e aplicações novas, como a RSS, ganharam espaço.

13. IBM PCjr. (1984)

A tentativa da IBM de desenvolver um computador barato para as casas e escolas transformou-se em uma idéia órfã desde o seu início. A razão: o grande sucesso de um parente seu, o IBM PC. Dois anos depois, saiu de cena para nunca mais voltar.

Laptopo de 100 dolares, alguem? =)

14. A celebração do 10º aniversário da Gateway 2000 (1995)

Depois de uma década como um dos principais fabricantes de computadores do mundo, os donos da Gateway quiseram celebrar com uma configuração especial de seus PCs.Mas o que se viu foi um computador que não cumpria suas promessas. A placa de vídeo era uma versão inferior do que as pessoas pensavam que estavam comprando, os alto-falantes sorround, na verdade, também não tinha esse recurso e o CD-ROM de 6x funcionava em 4x ou mais lento.

15. Iomega Zip Drive (1998)

Clique-clique-clique. Esse era o som dos dados morrendo em milhares de drives Iomega Zip. Apesar de a empresa vender mais de 10 milhões de unidades dos drives Zip e Jaz que funcionavam perfeitamente, milhares deles morriam misteriosamente.A Iomega ignorou o problema, o que causou a fúria dos usuários e uma ação na Justiça em 1998, que terminou com um acordo três anos depois. Atualmente, os drives Zip e Jaz foram ultrapassados por mídias como o CD e DVD, mais baratos, mais rápidos e com mais capacidade para gravação de dados.

Eu adorava os zipdisks. Até ser uma vítima do click of death

16. Comet Systems Comet Cursor (1997)

Agradeça o Comet Cursor pela introdução dos spywares. Ele tinha uma única proposta: transformar o cursor de seu mouse em uma imagem engraçadinha, como o Bart Simpson, Dilbert ou outros milhares de ícones. Mas o Comet tinha outros hábitos não tão engraçadinhos assim.Ele secretamente instalava-se no Internet Explorer quando você visitava certos tipos de sites ou instalava outros tipos de software, como o RealPlayer 7. Algumas versões seqüestrava o assistente de busca do IE ou travava o browser.Apesar de a Comet insistir que o programa não era um spyware, milhares de usuários não concordavam. O Comet System foi comprado por uma companhia de publicidade pay-per-click chamada FindWhat em 2004.

17. O Macintosh portátil" (1989)

Em 1989, a Apple ofereceu um Macintosh portátil de 10 centímetros de espessura com peso de 7,2 quilos. A bateria contribuía para o peso leve do notebook da Apple. Precisa dizer mais?

18. IBM Deskstar 75GXP (2000)

Rápido, grande e pouco confiável. Este disco rígido de 75 GB foi logo batizado de Deathstar (Estrela morta) pelo seu hábito de falhar e levar consigo todos os seus dados.Depois de um ano de seu lançamento, a IBM enfrentou uma ação na Justiça, contra usuários que alegavam que perderam dados em razão do Deskstar. Em 2002, vendeu a sua divisão de discos rígidos para a Hitachi.

19. OQO Model 1 (2004)

O OQO Model 1 chama-se a si mesmo como o menor computador XP do mundo. E isso era uma grande parte do problema. Você precisava de um bom par de óculos para ler os ícones e textos em sua tela de 5 por 3 polegadas. O teclado era muito pequeno para acomodar, pelo menos, dois dedos adultos.

20. DigitalConvergence CueCat (2000)

Ele apareceu no final da bolha de internet. O CueCat tinha função de ajudar os leitores de revistas e jornais a achar os web sites de anunciantes (provavelmente porque aparentemente devia ser muito difícil digitar www.pepsi.com no seu browser).A companhia por trás do equipamento, a DigitalConvergence, enviou cartas para milhares de assinantes de revistas e jornais. Os leitores tinham de conectar o equipamento a um computador, instalar alguns softwares, escanear o código de barras dentro dos anúncios e, dessa forma, irem para o web sites dos anunciantes. Outro benefício: a companhia usava o equipamento para juntar informações pessoais sobre seus usuários.

21. Eyetop Wearable DVD Player (2004)

Algumas coisas não foram feitas para se usar caminhando ou dirigindo e uma delas é assistir DVDs. Infelizmente, a mensagem não foi compreendida pela Eyetop.net, fabricante do Eyetop Wearable DVD Player.O sistema compreendia um DVD player portátil acoplado a um par de óculos escuros com uma minúscula tela LCD de 320 x 240 pixels direcionada ao olho direito. A tela deveria simular um monitor de 14 polegadas, mas infelizmente, a única sensação que o Eyetop reproduzia era um certo enjôo.

22. Apple Pippin @World (1996)

Antes do Xbox, do PlayStation e do DreamCast, havia o Pippin, da Apple. O quê? É isso mesmo - a Apple tinha um console de games compatível com acesso à internet que era conectado à televisão. No entanto, o produto rodava em um processador PowerPC fraco e portava um modem de apenas 14,4 Kbps, o que o tornava estupendamente lento, tanto online como offline.Para completar, o Pippin era baseado no sistema operacional Mac OS, e quase nenhum game estava disponível para esta plataforma. O console ainda custava 600 dólares - quase o dobro do preço dos concorrentes, mais poderosos.

23. PCs gratuitos (1999)

No final dos anos 90, empresas competiam para atrair a atenção dos consumidores aos PCs gratuitos. Tudo o que você precisava fazer era uma assinatura e então um microcomputador eventualmente apareceria na porta da sua casa. Entretanto, sempre havia uma pegadinha: você tinha de assinar um contrato de longo prazo com um provedor de acesso à internet, ou então tolerar uma enxurrada de anúncios online invadindo sua tela, ou ainda liberar suas informações pessoais à indústria.A Free-PC.com deve ter sido a mais apavorante de todas. Primeiro, você preenchia um amplo cadastro incluindo dados como renda, bens, raça, estado civil e muito mais. Depois você tinha de passar pelo menos dez horas por semana no computador e pelo menos uma hora navegando na internet pelo provedor do Free-PC.Em troca, você ganhava um PC básico Compaq Presario, com quase um terço da tela coberto por anúncios. Além disso, enquanto usava seu PC, a Free-PC o observava gravando todos os lugares por onde você surfava na rede, os softwares utilizados e sabe-se lá mais o que.Não podemos dizer se a idéia levaria a algum tipo de Big Brother, porque um ano após o lançamento, a Free-PC.com se fundiu à eMachines. Neste período, outros fornecedores concluíram que o modelo do computador "grátis" não se pagava.

24. DigiScents iSmell (2001)

Em 2001, a DigiScents lançou o iSmell, um utensílio que plugado na porta USB de seu PC, emitia aromas adequados a determinados sites de produtos, como perfumes no Chanel.com, ou salgadinhos de queijo no Frito-Lay.com. Mas os internautas céticos torceram o nariz para a idéia, tornando o iSmell um belo exemplo de 'vaporware'.

25. Sharp RD3D Notebook (2004)

Como o primeiro notebook 3D "auto-estéreo", o RD3D da Sharp deveria mostrar imagens tridimensionais sem a necessidade de óculos apropriados. No entanto, o efeito real estava mais para "auto-enxaqueca".Quando você apertava o botão para ativar o modo 3D, a performance do notebook diminuía e o efeito era notado somente por um ângulo bem específico. Se o usuário movesse a cabeça, o visual desaparecia. Talvez os engraçados óculos 3D não fossem tão ruins assim.