O universo é sincrônico
...e isso eu já sabia. Não me canso de me maravilhar com as teorias ocultas de Jung e sua aplicação no mundo moderno. Até porque quando o mundo te fala muito de mascara, atores e mentiras tem um porque.
Mas em breve vai falar de bandagens, cortes, e concussões. Em mim ou no mentiroso, ou deveria dizer, suicida cara-de-pau?
É, é de você mesmo que estou falando, "amigo".
Uma vez acontece.
Duas é deathwish.
Vou garantir que não haja uma terceira.
[Ouvindo Chris Isaak - Wicked Games - ]
Na falta de algo mais inteligente para postar, decidi colocar aqui a origem (ou uma delas) para o nick de mIRC que uso. Além de ser um personagem regular da série de quadrinhos "Invisibles", escrita por Grant Morrison - com o qual me identifico bastante, por sinal - representa uma pequena faceta de rebelião que sempre me acompanhou, essa alergia violenta à autoridade temporal constituída.
This King Mob name dates back to the Gordon Riots in June 1780. This was a week of rioting throughout London that a sketchy history book would describe as being fomented by anti-Catholic feeling. Whilst this is true as far as it goes it's a bit simplistic. Yes, property belonging to Catholics was burnt down, but only rich Catholics not the ordinary citizens. In fact the riots can be viewed as an aborted "English Revolution" shortly before the French managed a rather better job of theirs. In London law courts were torched and prisons were opened (most of the prisoners freed were being held for non-payment of debts) before being burned. Painted on the wall of Newgate prison was the proclamation that the inmates had been freed by the authority of "His Majesty, King Mob". The riot was eventually put down by the army who killed about 300 in doing so. Another 30 (or 60) people were executed later for their part in it.
The Situationists (L'Internationale Situationiste, to be more correct) were formed from various groups from various bits of Europe in 1957 and petered out around 1970. They weren't exclusively French but probably the most influential members were, and the one thing they tend to get associated with (if anything) is the May '68 riots in Paris. To be simplistic (which I'm going to have to be) they were a continuation of the tradition of Dadaism and Surrealism but sticking more to the political side rather than doing some nice paintings that would end up in bourgeois art galleries.
In 1966 a British group called Heatwave were incorporated (or whatever) into the SI. The members of Heatwave however weren't overly keen on some of the more theoretical aspects of the SI but they did approve of the New York group Black Mask (later the wonderfully named Up Against The Wall Motherfuckers). This basically led to a split (of which the SI were quite keen on at this point) and in December 67 they were expelled. They then changed their name to King Mob. (See, got there in the end).
King Mob styled themselves as "a street gang with an analysis" and were supposed to "laud and practice active nihilism" and celebrated any delinquent and anti-social activity.
During Christmas '68 a King Mob contingent visited Selfridges (large London department store) and, with one of them dressed as Santa Claus, proceeded to give free gifts to children. The store called the police, Santa was arrested and the kids were made to give their presents back.
For the next year's Notting Hill carnival they entered a float representing "Miss Notting Hill 69" featuring a girl with a giant syringe in her arm. They were also responsible for various attacks on art galleries and Wimpy bars.
And like the Situationists they were a dab hand at graffiti and sloganeering: Two of my faves being the William Blake quote "The Road of Excess leads to the Palace of Wisdom" and the mis-quote "The Road of Excess leads to the Palace of Willesden" (though the latter won't travel well). And of course there was the ubiquitous "King Mob" graffiti itself (incidentally there's a photo of a very young Johnny Rotten and Sid Vicious next to one of these from 68). I'm not sure how long King Mob actually lasted as a group but I don't think it was long. They were later described by two of their instigators as having "an hysterical over emphasis of violence, whether Futurist or contemporary hooligan outbursts..."
[Ouvindo Wildest Dreams - Iron Maiden] This King Mob name dates back to the Gordon Riots in June 1780. This was a week of rioting throughout London that a sketchy history book would describe as being fomented by anti-Catholic feeling. Whilst this is true as far as it goes it's a bit simplistic. Yes, property belonging to Catholics was burnt down, but only rich Catholics not the ordinary citizens. In fact the riots can be viewed as an aborted "English Revolution" shortly before the French managed a rather better job of theirs. In London law courts were torched and prisons were opened (most of the prisoners freed were being held for non-payment of debts) before being burned. Painted on the wall of Newgate prison was the proclamation that the inmates had been freed by the authority of "His Majesty, King Mob". The riot was eventually put down by the army who killed about 300 in doing so. Another 30 (or 60) people were executed later for their part in it.
The Situationists (L'Internationale Situationiste, to be more correct) were formed from various groups from various bits of Europe in 1957 and petered out around 1970. They weren't exclusively French but probably the most influential members were, and the one thing they tend to get associated with (if anything) is the May '68 riots in Paris. To be simplistic (which I'm going to have to be) they were a continuation of the tradition of Dadaism and Surrealism but sticking more to the political side rather than doing some nice paintings that would end up in bourgeois art galleries.
In 1966 a British group called Heatwave were incorporated (or whatever) into the SI. The members of Heatwave however weren't overly keen on some of the more theoretical aspects of the SI but they did approve of the New York group Black Mask (later the wonderfully named Up Against The Wall Motherfuckers). This basically led to a split (of which the SI were quite keen on at this point) and in December 67 they were expelled. They then changed their name to King Mob. (See, got there in the end).
King Mob styled themselves as "a street gang with an analysis" and were supposed to "laud and practice active nihilism" and celebrated any delinquent and anti-social activity.
During Christmas '68 a King Mob contingent visited Selfridges (large London department store) and, with one of them dressed as Santa Claus, proceeded to give free gifts to children. The store called the police, Santa was arrested and the kids were made to give their presents back.
For the next year's Notting Hill carnival they entered a float representing "Miss Notting Hill 69" featuring a girl with a giant syringe in her arm. They were also responsible for various attacks on art galleries and Wimpy bars.
And like the Situationists they were a dab hand at graffiti and sloganeering: Two of my faves being the William Blake quote "The Road of Excess leads to the Palace of Wisdom" and the mis-quote "The Road of Excess leads to the Palace of Willesden" (though the latter won't travel well). And of course there was the ubiquitous "King Mob" graffiti itself (incidentally there's a photo of a very young Johnny Rotten and Sid Vicious next to one of these from 68). I'm not sure how long King Mob actually lasted as a group but I don't think it was long. They were later described by two of their instigators as having "an hysterical over emphasis of violence, whether Futurist or contemporary hooligan outbursts..."
[Ouvindo Chris Isaak - Wicked Games - ]
Teste de stress
Resultados do Teste
Seu risco de adoecer num futuro imediato é: Alto
Pontos (UMV)* Nível de Risco
0-200 Baixo
201-300 Moderado
301-450 Elevado
>450 Alto
* Unidades de Mudança de Vida
Probabilidade de Adoecer
até 200 = 1 em 10
201 a 300 = 3 em 10
301 a 450 = 5 em 10
451 ou + = 7 em 10
faça o seu
Resultados do Teste
Seu risco de adoecer num futuro imediato é: Alto
Pontos (UMV)* Nível de Risco
0-200 Baixo
201-300 Moderado
301-450 Elevado
>450 Alto
* Unidades de Mudança de Vida
Probabilidade de Adoecer
até 200 = 1 em 10
201 a 300 = 3 em 10
301 a 450 = 5 em 10
451 ou + = 7 em 10
faça o seu
I'll bet you expected this answer. You already knew
you were a DARK ANGELIC, didn't you? You
are similar to a demon but slightly different
in that you don't revel in evil...you revel in
pleasure. Your wings resemble an angel's but if
that's so then you are a Fallen Angel - your
love of sin caused you to be cast from the
Heavens. They are black as raven wings and are
nearly as dark as your desires. You are
faithless and love it - you believe there is no
Judgement Day to fear and so you can do what
you want! You have a refined concept of what is
sexy and a slightly chaotic sense of 'fun.' In
fact, you love chaos and view much of what you
do as a game. You are typically attracted to
those that will challenge your mind, power, and
wit...and are 'dangerous' people like you. It's
not unlikely that you are bisexual or at least
open to the concept, because you seek
excitement and passion everywhere and in
everyone. Chances are you have a special talent
for magick - you're a powerful being and you
know what you want. Like a Serpent of Eden you
like to try your powers of seduction and
manipulation, though your intent is rarely to
cause harm. You have a deep, dark sense of art
and/or poetry, because your mind is a deep,
dark place. While typically smirking, amused,
and sarcastic, you are capable of severe
revenge and a passion and intensity unrivaled
by any other. In your eyes life is for
enjoyment and pleasure - nothing else. If
you're not having fun in your own twisted way,
you're not happy. You are easily bored with the
vast majority of people. You are most likely
drawn towards the Gothic subculture and
probably adore Goth music, art, and style. Many
people look down on your seemingly careless
lifestyle and may even consider you 'slutty'.
Not true. You just know you're sexy and you're
damn proud of it. Dark Angels have an outlook
most like Satanists - loving sin and looking to
none but themselves for power. Congratulations!
You're my kindred spirit. As far as I'm
concerned - you know what life is REALLY about.
Have fun...Muahaha.
*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~*
brought to you by Quizilla
Retirado do blog do Wind...
Theoden (seeing Denethor's burned, smashed carcass on the Pelennor Fields during his charge): Well, that can't be good.
* * *
Aragorn: Legolas, you can stop showing off now.
* * *
Eomer: We cannot achieve victory through strength of arms.
Aragorn: Not for ourselves, but we can give Frodo a chance.
Eomer: Who?
* * *
Gandalf : Whatever comes through that door, you will stand your ground!
(door opens)
Gandalf: Oh crap, run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* * *
Frodo: It's gone. It's done.
Sam: Yes mister Frodo, its over now. (Thinking) *No thanks to you, bitch!*
* * *
The Oliphant, just before he hits the ground: One Elf! And fifty men couldn't stop him before he ruins my day!
* * *
Eowyn, seeing Witch King's mace for the first time: Holy, snapping duckshit!!"
* * *
Gandalf: Fool of a Took! You wasted $1.63 on an unnecessary long-distance call!
* * *
Balrog: Wait, come back! I just wanted to be friends!
* * *
LEGOLAS: A diversion!
ARAGORN: Is there an echo in here?
* * *
Gandalf: How do we know Frodo is alive?
Aragorn: What does your heart tell you?
Gandalf: To get the fuck outta here!
* * *
Witch King: You fool, no mortal man can kill me.
Eowyn: I am no man
Witch King: Oh crap.. should have said no Human
* * *
Frodo: I need you on my side.
Sam: I'm on your side Mr Frodo.
Frodo: I know you are Sam.
* * *
Gandalf: I have no memory of this place.
Aragorn: No more of the Halflings leaf for you, Gandalf!
* * *
Aragorn: That is no trinket you carry
Frodo: You couldn't be more right, friend. This is the completely authentic Ring of Power, forged by the reknowned ring-maker Sauron in the fires of Mount Doom. This particular example is the only one of its kind in the world, is impervious to heat and when exposed to flame shows a nifty little message. It also features self-adjusting width so it always fits perfectly. The perfect gift for that special someone or even for yourself, yours for only $699.99 plus postage and handling. Order in the next 10 minutes and I'll throw in an authentic Shire belt buckle for free! What do you say?
* * *
SAURON (to Pippin through the palantir): Eye see you! Get it, 'EYE' see you! Because I'm a big flaming eye... ha!!
* * *
ARAGORN, to Eomer at their first meeting: I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn. This is Gimli, son of Gloin. And this is Legolas, of the woodland realm. (whispering in Eomer's ear) I don't know who his dad is... I think he might be a bastard.
* * *
BILBO: No, thank you! We don't want any more visitors, well-wishers, or distant relations!
GANDALF: And what about very old friends?
BILBO: Screw very old friends!
* * *
Saruman: Wormtongue, you stink of horse.
Wormtongue: The car hasn't been invented yet, my lord!
* * *
Aragorn: Gondor calls for aid!
Theoden: And Rohan will not answer!
Theoden: Kidding!!
* * *
Pippin: We've got the White Wizard. That's got to count for something.
Gandalf: It would if you would stop doing stupid things behind my back.
* * *
Pippin (while sitting on Treebeard): Run, forest, run! (essa foi a pior!)
* * *
ARAGORN (at the Pelennor fields battle, when the army of the dead shows up): Captain Barbosa, If you're looking for the son of Bootstrap Bill, he's over there disquised as an Elf...
* * *
Gandalf: End? No, the journey doesn't end here. There's another path; one that we all must take. The gray rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and it will change to silver glass, and then you see it.
Pippin: See what?
Gandalf: White shores; and beyond them, a far green country under a swift sunrise.
Pippin: Oh...you mean Cancun!
* * *
Gandalf: This is no place for a hobbit!
*Pippin stabs an orc about to kill Gandalf and he gets ashamed and looks down*
Pippin: This is no place for who?
Gandalf: Me
Pippin: Sit in the corner!
* * *
Sauron: (As Pippin is holding the Palantir) How are you Gentelmen. All your base are belong to us!
* * *
Gandalf: Let the Ringbearer decide
Frodo: We will go through the mines
Gandalf: The Ringbearer has spoken, we will make for the gap of Rohan!
* * *
Sauron after the killing of Boromir: Yes!! Uruks killed: 499, Humans killed: one... go me!
* * *
The Witch-king (looks down at leg): Did someone just pinch me? (Looks up) Oh, fu--
* * *
Denethor as he jumps: 'scuse me while I kiss the sky.
* * *
*Legolas hands Aragorn Arwen's necklace.*
Eowyn: Oh no! He's gay.
* * *
Farmir: I'm not dead!
Denethor: Nothing. There's your ninepence.
Farmir: I'm not dead!
Denethor: Yes he is.
Farmir: I'm not!
Denethor: Well, he will be soon, he's very ill.
Farmir: I'm getting better!
Denethor: No you're not, you'll be stone dead in a moment.
Farmir: I don't want to go on the pyre!
Denethor: Oh, don't be such a baby.
Farmir: I feel fine!
Farmir: I think I'll go for a walk!
Denethor: You're not fooling anyone, you know.
Farmir: I feel happy! I feel happy! (Referência Obrigatória a Monty Python)
* * *
GIMLI: Toss me!... but don't tell the elf.
LEGOLAS: (off screen) i heard that.
* * *
Theoden: Gondor?!? Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell?
Aragorn: In Gondor.
* * *
Gandalf: Your father loves you, Faramir! He will remember it before the end.
Faramir: Oh great, a lot of good that does me now, you know, riding out to DIE and all!
* * *
King Aragorn after he is done kissing Arwen: It's good to be the King! (Referência Obrigatória a Mel Brooks)
* * *
Fodo: Go home, Sam.
Sam: You mean go back down those dangerous stairs, passed the Haunted city, and skirt an army of 200,000 orc soldiers looking for a hobbit? Not bloody likely! And you were made leader because?
* * *
Gimli: If anyone's asking for my opinion, which i note they're not...
Gandalf: Then why are you still talking?
* * *
Galadriel: You are a ringbearer, Frodo. To bear a ring of power is to be alone.
Frodo: Technically, that's not true. I still have 8 companions left.
* * *
Legolas : He is no mere Ranger! He's a Mighty Morphin' POWER Ranger! (ugh!)
* * *
Theoden: DEATH
Rohirrim nº 2.021: Wtf? HELL NO! (Gallops away)
* * *
Aragorn: I do not fear death *enters the mountain*
Legolas: Quick Gimli! lets get out of here!
* * *
Gandalf: ...and when I woke up, someone had washed my clothes. So, now I shall be called Gandalf the White.
* * *
Witch-King: What are we going to do this Age, Sauron?
Sauron: The same thing we do every Age, Angmar, try to take over Middle-Earth!
* * *
Gandalf: A Balrog. A demon of the ancient world.
Gimli: So. What's it doin' here?
* * *
*Aragorn kisses arwen at his coronation*
Eowyn: That bitch thinks she can steal him from me, huh? Well I'll show them *grabs Faramir and kisses him*
* * *
Frodo (opens his eyes and sees the eagles): Where the hell were these things when I had to make a freaking year-long journey to Mordor?!
* * *
Aragons (at The Black Gate): For Frodo!!!!
Legolas: Frodo?? You mean that wimpy, whiny poor excuse for a ringbearer who has almost lost the bloody ring several times and is too stupid to realise hes being sucked in by Gollum? The guy who needs to be protected, fed, given water, tucked in at night, woken up in the morning, given pep talks every hour or so and schlepped up the slopes of Mt Doom like dead weight? Screw Frodo......FOR SAM!!!!
* * *
Aragorn (upon seeing Gandalf the White in TTT): It cannot be.
Gandalf: It damn well better be, sonny! I just went through fire and hell to get here!
* * *
The Ring: I am so tired of being at the bottom of this stupid river. Yo, Fish! See that line? Grab it and drag that little guy down here to me.
Fish: Yesss. My preciousss.
* * *
Treebeard: There is no word in entish, elfish or the languages of man for that........treachery. Oh, there it goes. It wasn't that hard after all.
* * *
E a melhor:
* * *
Theoden (seeing Denethor's burned, smashed carcass on the Pelennor Fields during his charge): Well, that can't be good.
* * *
Aragorn: Legolas, you can stop showing off now.
* * *
Eomer: We cannot achieve victory through strength of arms.
Aragorn: Not for ourselves, but we can give Frodo a chance.
Eomer: Who?
* * *
Gandalf : Whatever comes through that door, you will stand your ground!
(door opens)
Gandalf: Oh crap, run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* * *
Frodo: It's gone. It's done.
Sam: Yes mister Frodo, its over now. (Thinking) *No thanks to you, bitch!*
* * *
The Oliphant, just before he hits the ground: One Elf! And fifty men couldn't stop him before he ruins my day!
* * *
Eowyn, seeing Witch King's mace for the first time: Holy, snapping duckshit!!"
* * *
Gandalf: Fool of a Took! You wasted $1.63 on an unnecessary long-distance call!
* * *
Balrog: Wait, come back! I just wanted to be friends!
* * *
LEGOLAS: A diversion!
ARAGORN: Is there an echo in here?
* * *
Gandalf: How do we know Frodo is alive?
Aragorn: What does your heart tell you?
Gandalf: To get the fuck outta here!
* * *
Witch King: You fool, no mortal man can kill me.
Eowyn: I am no man
Witch King: Oh crap.. should have said no Human
* * *
Frodo: I need you on my side.
Sam: I'm on your side Mr Frodo.
Frodo: I know you are Sam.
* * *
Gandalf: I have no memory of this place.
Aragorn: No more of the Halflings leaf for you, Gandalf!
* * *
Aragorn: That is no trinket you carry
Frodo: You couldn't be more right, friend. This is the completely authentic Ring of Power, forged by the reknowned ring-maker Sauron in the fires of Mount Doom. This particular example is the only one of its kind in the world, is impervious to heat and when exposed to flame shows a nifty little message. It also features self-adjusting width so it always fits perfectly. The perfect gift for that special someone or even for yourself, yours for only $699.99 plus postage and handling. Order in the next 10 minutes and I'll throw in an authentic Shire belt buckle for free! What do you say?
* * *
SAURON (to Pippin through the palantir): Eye see you! Get it, 'EYE' see you! Because I'm a big flaming eye... ha!!
* * *
ARAGORN, to Eomer at their first meeting: I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn. This is Gimli, son of Gloin. And this is Legolas, of the woodland realm. (whispering in Eomer's ear) I don't know who his dad is... I think he might be a bastard.
* * *
BILBO: No, thank you! We don't want any more visitors, well-wishers, or distant relations!
GANDALF: And what about very old friends?
BILBO: Screw very old friends!
* * *
Saruman: Wormtongue, you stink of horse.
Wormtongue: The car hasn't been invented yet, my lord!
* * *
Aragorn: Gondor calls for aid!
Theoden: And Rohan will not answer!
Theoden: Kidding!!
* * *
Pippin: We've got the White Wizard. That's got to count for something.
Gandalf: It would if you would stop doing stupid things behind my back.
* * *
Pippin (while sitting on Treebeard): Run, forest, run! (essa foi a pior!)
* * *
ARAGORN (at the Pelennor fields battle, when the army of the dead shows up): Captain Barbosa, If you're looking for the son of Bootstrap Bill, he's over there disquised as an Elf...
* * *
Gandalf: End? No, the journey doesn't end here. There's another path; one that we all must take. The gray rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and it will change to silver glass, and then you see it.
Pippin: See what?
Gandalf: White shores; and beyond them, a far green country under a swift sunrise.
Pippin: Oh...you mean Cancun!
* * *
Gandalf: This is no place for a hobbit!
*Pippin stabs an orc about to kill Gandalf and he gets ashamed and looks down*
Pippin: This is no place for who?
Gandalf: Me
Pippin: Sit in the corner!
* * *
Sauron: (As Pippin is holding the Palantir) How are you Gentelmen. All your base are belong to us!
* * *
Gandalf: Let the Ringbearer decide
Frodo: We will go through the mines
Gandalf: The Ringbearer has spoken, we will make for the gap of Rohan!
* * *
Sauron after the killing of Boromir: Yes!! Uruks killed: 499, Humans killed: one... go me!
* * *
The Witch-king (looks down at leg): Did someone just pinch me? (Looks up) Oh, fu--
* * *
Denethor as he jumps: 'scuse me while I kiss the sky.
* * *
*Legolas hands Aragorn Arwen's necklace.*
Eowyn: Oh no! He's gay.
* * *
Farmir: I'm not dead!
Denethor: Nothing. There's your ninepence.
Farmir: I'm not dead!
Denethor: Yes he is.
Farmir: I'm not!
Denethor: Well, he will be soon, he's very ill.
Farmir: I'm getting better!
Denethor: No you're not, you'll be stone dead in a moment.
Farmir: I don't want to go on the pyre!
Denethor: Oh, don't be such a baby.
Farmir: I feel fine!
Farmir: I think I'll go for a walk!
Denethor: You're not fooling anyone, you know.
Farmir: I feel happy! I feel happy! (Referência Obrigatória a Monty Python)
* * *
GIMLI: Toss me!... but don't tell the elf.
LEGOLAS: (off screen) i heard that.
* * *
Theoden: Gondor?!? Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell?
Aragorn: In Gondor.
* * *
Gandalf: Your father loves you, Faramir! He will remember it before the end.
Faramir: Oh great, a lot of good that does me now, you know, riding out to DIE and all!
* * *
King Aragorn after he is done kissing Arwen: It's good to be the King! (Referência Obrigatória a Mel Brooks)
* * *
Fodo: Go home, Sam.
Sam: You mean go back down those dangerous stairs, passed the Haunted city, and skirt an army of 200,000 orc soldiers looking for a hobbit? Not bloody likely! And you were made leader because?
* * *
Gimli: If anyone's asking for my opinion, which i note they're not...
Gandalf: Then why are you still talking?
* * *
Galadriel: You are a ringbearer, Frodo. To bear a ring of power is to be alone.
Frodo: Technically, that's not true. I still have 8 companions left.
* * *
Legolas : He is no mere Ranger! He's a Mighty Morphin' POWER Ranger! (ugh!)
* * *
Theoden: DEATH
Rohirrim nº 2.021: Wtf? HELL NO! (Gallops away)
* * *
Aragorn: I do not fear death *enters the mountain*
Legolas: Quick Gimli! lets get out of here!
* * *
Gandalf: ...and when I woke up, someone had washed my clothes. So, now I shall be called Gandalf the White.
* * *
Witch-King: What are we going to do this Age, Sauron?
Sauron: The same thing we do every Age, Angmar, try to take over Middle-Earth!
* * *
Gandalf: A Balrog. A demon of the ancient world.
Gimli: So. What's it doin' here?
* * *
*Aragorn kisses arwen at his coronation*
Eowyn: That bitch thinks she can steal him from me, huh? Well I'll show them *grabs Faramir and kisses him*
* * *
Frodo (opens his eyes and sees the eagles): Where the hell were these things when I had to make a freaking year-long journey to Mordor?!
* * *
Aragons (at The Black Gate): For Frodo!!!!
Legolas: Frodo?? You mean that wimpy, whiny poor excuse for a ringbearer who has almost lost the bloody ring several times and is too stupid to realise hes being sucked in by Gollum? The guy who needs to be protected, fed, given water, tucked in at night, woken up in the morning, given pep talks every hour or so and schlepped up the slopes of Mt Doom like dead weight? Screw Frodo......FOR SAM!!!!
* * *
Aragorn (upon seeing Gandalf the White in TTT): It cannot be.
Gandalf: It damn well better be, sonny! I just went through fire and hell to get here!
* * *
The Ring: I am so tired of being at the bottom of this stupid river. Yo, Fish! See that line? Grab it and drag that little guy down here to me.
Fish: Yesss. My preciousss.
* * *
Treebeard: There is no word in entish, elfish or the languages of man for that........treachery. Oh, there it goes. It wasn't that hard after all.
* * *
E a melhor:
* * *
Para Arcadia & Além!
[Ouvindo (05) - Smart Dogs - Kula Shaker ]
De volta do sítio em Miguel Pereira, com as baterias reenergizadas para o final de período da Faculdade. Quatro dias sem fazer nada a não ser namorar, comer, dormir, brincar com cachorros (who?s your alpha? you suck, doggie, but your momma, hmmmmm...), papear, jogar war star wars style ( você não deseja este território / Eu não desejo este território / ataque o outro jogador / eu atacarei o outro jogador), jogar sinuca, ver Dvd?s, e ficar de preguição silvestre. Tudo isso numa atmosfera lindamente entre 13 e 16ºC.
Quanto ao show do Maiden - foi MUITO bom. Ouvir Journeyman ao vivo foi pra la de emocionante e Bruce Dickinson, apesar de dançar como uma doninha, continua esbanjando energia no palco. O cenário de Paschendale era muito igual a uma trincheira da 1a Guerra, e de resto os dois modelos de Eddie que apareceram estavam muito bem construídos, e o afinamento no palco mostrou que o Iron continuará na minha lista de bandas prediletas por um booooom tempo.
Claro que na volta, quilos de problemas me aguardavam, o que deve tomar uns dois dias da semana para resolver - coisas de prefeitura & IPTU. Hoje, prova difícil na faculdade - Tópicos de Deontologia - vamos ver no que dá.
PS> oh, traveling with my faerie can be fun - but she scared the living shit out of my boots when she called for a lunch stop in Arcadia - and I mean it! There was an old sign, "Arcadia - Happy stop", for Gaia?s sake!!!
Quanto ao show do Maiden - foi MUITO bom. Ouvir Journeyman ao vivo foi pra la de emocionante e Bruce Dickinson, apesar de dançar como uma doninha, continua esbanjando energia no palco. O cenário de Paschendale era muito igual a uma trincheira da 1a Guerra, e de resto os dois modelos de Eddie que apareceram estavam muito bem construídos, e o afinamento no palco mostrou que o Iron continuará na minha lista de bandas prediletas por um booooom tempo.
Claro que na volta, quilos de problemas me aguardavam, o que deve tomar uns dois dias da semana para resolver - coisas de prefeitura & IPTU. Hoje, prova difícil na faculdade - Tópicos de Deontologia - vamos ver no que dá.
PS> oh, traveling with my faerie can be fun - but she scared the living shit out of my boots when she called for a lunch stop in Arcadia - and I mean it! There was an old sign, "Arcadia - Happy stop", for Gaia?s sake!!!
[Ouvindo (05) - Smart Dogs - Kula Shaker ]
É engraçado o quanto a vida pode ser surpreendente em apenas alguns dias. Um pequeno susto hospitalar com minha mãe me manteve ocupado nos últimos dois dias, com uma pequena parada para cumprir algumas obrigações relativas à faculdade. Diagnóstico: Hipertensão arterial + uma gripe muito mal curada. Nos próximos meses, serão feitos alguns exames para mapear, se possível, a causa da pressão alta.
Ao mesmo tempo, amanhã estarei num show de uma de minhas bandas prediletas, algo que não esperava. E no sábado viajarei com minha namorada para longe, para descansar um pouco do estágio recém-abandonado e colocar-me em harmonia novamente. E no meio disto tudo, quero ver "O último samurai " =)
Promessas de ano novo, niippon style:
Polidez: Ando parecendo uma tia velha boca suja. Sinais de descontrole mental, acho. Coisa que nunca admiti, e não será agora que permitirei. E a minha agressividade natural precisa ser embainhada em boa educação. Macacos não tem culpa por lobos se sentirem irritados em cima de árvores.
Compaixão: Não misericórdia, não pena, não o vício dos reis. Uma visão da fraternidade. Um bumerangue de Karma para alguns. É necessário temperar o Darwinismo social com uma visão mais humana, strictu sensu.
Sinceridade: Essa é especialmente difícil para um advogado. Não costumo mentir, mas derrubar o filtro que me impede de usar a franqueza como dentes e substituí-lo por um trato quase maatiano da verdade vai ser no mínimo, complicado.
Lealdade: Ser leal aos amigos é fácil. Ser leal ao pack é uma obrigação. Ser leal ao seu SAG/Daemon/Augoeides, uma meta. Colocar esse aspecto da consciência como daimyo é uma das coisas que experimentarei este ano.
Coragem: Parar de me sabotar e ousar. He who dares, wins. Esqueci-me por tempo demais disto.
Justiça: Dar a cada um o que lhes é devido por Céu e Terra. Conviver de maneira mais harmônica com o meu ambiente.
Ao mesmo tempo, amanhã estarei num show de uma de minhas bandas prediletas, algo que não esperava. E no sábado viajarei com minha namorada para longe, para descansar um pouco do estágio recém-abandonado e colocar-me em harmonia novamente. E no meio disto tudo, quero ver "O último samurai " =)
Promessas de ano novo, niippon style:
Polidez: Ando parecendo uma tia velha boca suja. Sinais de descontrole mental, acho. Coisa que nunca admiti, e não será agora que permitirei. E a minha agressividade natural precisa ser embainhada em boa educação. Macacos não tem culpa por lobos se sentirem irritados em cima de árvores.
Compaixão: Não misericórdia, não pena, não o vício dos reis. Uma visão da fraternidade. Um bumerangue de Karma para alguns. É necessário temperar o Darwinismo social com uma visão mais humana, strictu sensu.
Sinceridade: Essa é especialmente difícil para um advogado. Não costumo mentir, mas derrubar o filtro que me impede de usar a franqueza como dentes e substituí-lo por um trato quase maatiano da verdade vai ser no mínimo, complicado.
Lealdade: Ser leal aos amigos é fácil. Ser leal ao pack é uma obrigação. Ser leal ao seu SAG/Daemon/Augoeides, uma meta. Colocar esse aspecto da consciência como daimyo é uma das coisas que experimentarei este ano.
Coragem: Parar de me sabotar e ousar. He who dares, wins. Esqueci-me por tempo demais disto.
Justiça: Dar a cada um o que lhes é devido por Céu e Terra. Conviver de maneira mais harmônica com o meu ambiente.
[Ouvindo Heaven And Hell - Black Sabbath ]
[Ouvindo Everybody's fool - Evanescence ]
[Ouvindo Face In The Sand - Iron Maiden]
Um amigo outro dia comentou o quanto o subconsciente reptiliano pode ser um lugar ruim, e sou obrigado a concordar. Não posso dizer que uma selva asiática pode ser o melhor lugar para uma equipe de pesquisadores civis, ainda mais no meio de uma black-op americana. Foi um daqueles sonhos bem ricos em detalhes, com realce em um naufrágio de um navio inglês na foz. Uma coisa posso dizer - cadáveres ficam bem assustadores se deixados dentro d?água tempo suficiente. E no meio de destroços flutuando rio abaixo, um bote salva-vidas virado ao contrário é uma excelente camuflagem.
Post longo, pra compensar
Muita coisa para contar, e nestes dias pouca paciência para escrever. Este ano começou com uma virada para lá de agradável, em Niterói com uma festa transferida por motivos de babaquice alheia que saiu bem melhor do que eu esperava. Casa da Tate, reunião com Lila, Gurahl & esposa, Michel, Vanessinha "scary little abyssinian cat", eu e minha namorada. dessa pré-reunião, tudo que posso dizer é que esse povo reunido cozinha bem pra cacete e papeia melhor ainda.
Perto da virada, resolvemos ir para a praia de Icaraí ver os fogos. Não tão cheio quanto eu esperava, fogos de excelente qualidade ( a ponto de rolar a pilha obrigatória de "Fireworks, Gandalf" ), e um momento de pequena beleza caótica-umbandista. Foi qualquer coisa entrar o ano novo cercado de amigos e ao lado da mulher que amo, bom para mudar um pouco o ritmo nefasto do cotidiano de 2003, principalmente em relação à família.
Dali Pit-stop obrigatório na festa de Pingo, o Reveillon cross over =) Deu pra matar a saudade da Mrgn, Scald, Thoth, Nanda de Tróia, Coisa, Pedroente e incontáveis outras figuras que sem dúvida nenhuma fizeram a noite ficar ainda mais divertida. Obrigatório momento nerd com as fotos & filmagens digitais dos fogos, e risos com a sessão dupla de Hellraiser. Para completar a noite, um pequeno debate sobre astronomia & predestinação.
Dia seguinte, fomos esmagados pelo Preguição (Imagine: Um megatério de dreads e óculos escuros, com roupa de sumô sentado em cima de você) e não fizemos nada além de comer e dormir. Aí fui descobrir que meu Pernilssauro Rex tava exagerado mesmo, depois disto tudo ainda tinha sobrado metade. Follow up obrigatório para a casa de minha namorada, onde encontramos um casal de amigos para assistir o Dvd de Vingança do Mosqueteiro (Não gostei do trabalho do coreógrafo chinês) e jogar magic enquanto esperávamos o enterro dos ossos. Surpreendentemente, rimos bagaray do jogo de Magic: The bothering - até que é divertido jogar com pessoas que não sejam obsessivas com decks e regrinhas - com destaque para o " tapeio 5 manas e desço o megatério bizonhão" - pilha muito interna *rs*.
Daí, seguiram-se os dias com preparações para vender o carro (iremos pular para um de ano mais recente, e com rádio - yeah!) e uma pequena batalha com o defeito de injeção eletrônica que parece ter se resolvido somente hoje. Amanha, de volta ao trabalho, de onde devo me demitir dia 14.
Ps - Parabéns ao meu pack-brother Silent Strider pela conquista ;) e à sua namorada pelo passo corajoso. Sucesso!
Perto da virada, resolvemos ir para a praia de Icaraí ver os fogos. Não tão cheio quanto eu esperava, fogos de excelente qualidade ( a ponto de rolar a pilha obrigatória de "Fireworks, Gandalf" ), e um momento de pequena beleza caótica-umbandista. Foi qualquer coisa entrar o ano novo cercado de amigos e ao lado da mulher que amo, bom para mudar um pouco o ritmo nefasto do cotidiano de 2003, principalmente em relação à família.
Dali Pit-stop obrigatório na festa de Pingo, o Reveillon cross over =) Deu pra matar a saudade da Mrgn, Scald, Thoth, Nanda de Tróia, Coisa, Pedroente e incontáveis outras figuras que sem dúvida nenhuma fizeram a noite ficar ainda mais divertida. Obrigatório momento nerd com as fotos & filmagens digitais dos fogos, e risos com a sessão dupla de Hellraiser. Para completar a noite, um pequeno debate sobre astronomia & predestinação.
Dia seguinte, fomos esmagados pelo Preguição (Imagine: Um megatério de dreads e óculos escuros, com roupa de sumô sentado em cima de você) e não fizemos nada além de comer e dormir. Aí fui descobrir que meu Pernilssauro Rex tava exagerado mesmo, depois disto tudo ainda tinha sobrado metade. Follow up obrigatório para a casa de minha namorada, onde encontramos um casal de amigos para assistir o Dvd de Vingança do Mosqueteiro (Não gostei do trabalho do coreógrafo chinês) e jogar magic enquanto esperávamos o enterro dos ossos. Surpreendentemente, rimos bagaray do jogo de Magic: The bothering - até que é divertido jogar com pessoas que não sejam obsessivas com decks e regrinhas - com destaque para o " tapeio 5 manas e desço o megatério bizonhão" - pilha muito interna *rs*.
Daí, seguiram-se os dias com preparações para vender o carro (iremos pular para um de ano mais recente, e com rádio - yeah!) e uma pequena batalha com o defeito de injeção eletrônica que parece ter se resolvido somente hoje. Amanha, de volta ao trabalho, de onde devo me demitir dia 14.
Ps - Parabéns ao meu pack-brother Silent Strider pela conquista ;) e à sua namorada pelo passo corajoso. Sucesso!
[Ouvindo Dirt - Resident Evil]
[Ouvindo Fairies Wear Boots - Black Sabbath ]
[Ouvindo Ultra (Ghost in the Shell Theme) - KMFDM ]
[Ouvindo 02-It Began In Afrika - Chemical Brothers ]
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