Voltando a minha epoca de lobo solitario, decidi chutar meu tedio para o lado e sair. Chaves na mão, documentos, vale-ingresso cinemark e lá fui eu assistir Hulk. Filinha surpreendentemente pequena para um sábado a noite, e decidir girar um pouco para matar o tempo para a próxima sessão. Que faria eu pela proxima hora e meia? Bom, fui bater ponto no rei do Mate para tomar o mate com menta, comprei a revista nova do Deadpool (BTW, fechando com chave de ouro a saga ' fator de cura') e sai para caminhar. Acabei descobrindo um barzinho chamado espirito do chopp, com uma banda ao vivo que toca um rock ?n?blues de boa qualidade. Claro que eu não estava muito a fim de pagar 17R$ para sentar numa mesa, então me contentei em me encostar a uma arvore e ouvir a musica, fumando na escuridao como diria meu saudoso frater Lux.
Começou a sessao com a obrigatoria mulher burra do lado. A entrada do filme segue o mesmo esquemão das produções marvel, com pseudos ins a nível molecular. Sinceramente, ja esta cansando. Segue-se um filme insuportavelmente lento & longo, pseudo-cabeça. Algumas adaptações boas, outras nefastas ( Vide pai do hulk e seus poderes bizarros, semi Zzax) e uma Betty absolutamente deslumbante. Liv Tyler o escambau, o que é aquele rosto?
Divagações solitarias a parte, A animação ate esta boa, so o cabelo que esta com uma textura meio esquisita. O diretor, porem, merece um esporro nas cenas de combate aereo. Os comanches tem misseis hellfire infinitos; se movimentam de um jeito que nem um UFO conseguiria, e caem de maneira absolutamente irreal. Finalzinho previsivel, parece que sem gancho para um Hulk 2 (ainda bem). Tres da manha, acho que vou revisar meu trabalho de faculdade e bater uma ata de condominio... see ya.
Paixões sensuais são o seu primeiro exército.
O segundo é chamado Descontentamento.
O terceiro é Fome e Sede.
O quarto é chamado Desejo.
O quinto é Preguiça e Torpor.
O sexto é chamado Terror.
O sétimo é Incerteza.
Hipocrisia e Teimosia, o oitavo.
Ganhos, Ofertas, Fama e Status
obtidos de forma incorreta,
e qualquer um que se vanglorie
e menospreze outros.
Esse, Namuci, é o seu exército
a força de ataque do Tenebroso.
Longa será a batalha da inação até o refinamento da mente, do corpo e do espírito. Permiti sentir um certo terror perante a enormidade da tarefa: Mas e se ao invés de aguardar o terror & desespero, fosse de encontro a eles? Assim inicio a caminhada, quase descalço, acompanhado pelo bom exemplo de amigos que o sabem e amigos que não o sabem: Assim meus inimigos são "destruidos" pela força unica do Agape.
Paixões sensuais são o seu primeiro exército.
O segundo é chamado Descontentamento.
O terceiro é Fome e Sede.
O quarto é chamado Desejo.
O quinto é Preguiça e Torpor.
O sexto é chamado Terror.
O sétimo é Incerteza.
Hipocrisia e Teimosia, o oitavo.
Ganhos, Ofertas, Fama e Status
obtidos de forma incorreta,
e qualquer um que se vanglorie
e menospreze outros.
Esse, Namuci, é o seu exército
a força de ataque do Tenebroso.
Longa será a batalha da inação até o refinamento da mente, do corpo e do espírito. Permiti sentir um certo terror perante a enormidade da tarefa: Mas e se ao invés de aguardar o terror & desespero, fosse de encontro a eles? Assim inicio a caminhada, quase descalço, acompanhado pelo bom exemplo de amigos que o sabem e amigos que não o sabem: Assim meus inimigos são "destruidos" pela força unica do Agape.
Hail, Usekh-nemmt, who comest forth from Anu, I have not committed sin. Hail, Hept-khet, who comest forth from Kher-aha, I have not committed robbery with violence. Hail, Fenti, who comest forth from Khemenu,I have not stolen. Hail, Am-khaibit, who comest forth from Qernet, I have not slain men and women. Hail, Neha-her, who comest forth from Rasta, I have not stolen grain. Hail, Ruruti, who comest forth from heaven, I have not purloined offerings. Hail, Arfi-em-khet, who comest forth from Suat, I have not stolen the property of God. Hail, Neba, who comest and goest, I have not uttered lies. Hail, Set-qesu, who comest forth from Hensu, I have not carried away food. Hail, Utu-nesert, who comest forth from Het-ka-Ptah, I have not uttered curses. Hail, Qerrti, who comest forth from Amentet, I have not committed adultery, I have not lain with men. Hail, Her-f-ha-f, who comest forth from thy cavern, I have made none to weep. Hail, Basti, who comest forth from Bast, I have not eaten the heart. Hail, Ta-retiu, who comest forth from the night, I have not attacked any man. Hail, Unem-snef, who comest forth from the execution chamber, I am not a man of deceit. Hail, Unem-besek, who comest forth from Mabit, I have not stolen cultivated land. Hail, Neb-Maat, who comest forth from Maati, I have not been an eavesdropper. Hail, Tenemiu, who comest forth from Bast, I have not slandered [no man]. Hail, Sertiu, who comest forth from Anu, I have not been angry without just cause. Hail, Tutu, who comest forth from Ati (the Busirite Nome), I have not debauched the wife of any man. Hail, Uamenti, who comest forth from the Khebt chamber, I have not debauched the wife of [any] man. Hail, Maa-antuf, who comest forth from Per-Menu, I have not polluted myself. Hail, Her-uru, who comest forth from Nehatu, I have terrorized none. Hail, Khemiu, who comest forth from Kaui, I have not transgressed [the law]. Hail, Shet-kheru, who comest forth from Urit, I have not been wroth. Hail, Nekhenu, who comest forth from Heqat, I have not shut my ears to the words of truth. Hail, Kenemti, who comest forth from Kenmet, I have not blasphemed. Hail, An-hetep-f, who comest forth from Sau, I am not a man of violence. Hail, Sera-kheru, who comest forth from Unaset, I have not been a stirrer up of strife. Hail, Neb-heru, who comest forth from Netchfet, I have not acted with undue haste. Hail, Sekhriu, who comest forth from Uten, I have not pried into matters. Hail, Neb-abui, who comest forth from Sauti, I have not multiplied my words in speaking. Hail, Nefer-Tem, who comest forth from Het-ka-Ptah, I have wronged none, I have done no evil. Hail, Tem-Sepu, who comest forth from Tetu, I have not worked witchcraft against the king. Hail, Ari-em-ab-f, who comest forth from Tebu, I have never stopped [the flow of] water. Hail, Ahi, who comest forth from Nu, I have never raised my voice. Hail, Uatch-rekhit, who comest forth from Sau, I have not cursed God. Hail, Neheb-ka, who comest forth from thy cavern, I have not acted with arrogance. Hail, Neheb-nefert, who comest forth from thy cavern, I have not stolen the bread of the gods. Hail, Tcheser-tep, who comest forth from the shrine, I have not carried away the khenfu cakes from the Spirits of the dead. Hail, An-af, who comest forth from Maati, I have not snatched away the bread of the child, nor treated with contempt the god of my city. Hail, Hetch-abhu, who comest forth from Ta-she (the Fayyum), I have not slain the cattle belonging to the god.
Oh droga, acho que precisarei de um bom advogado na hora de bater um papo com Thoth. ;) Agora falando sério, alguém conhece algum templo budista no Rio decente?
Hail, Usekh-nemmt, who comest forth from Anu, I have not committed sin. Hail, Hept-khet, who comest forth from Kher-aha, I have not committed robbery with violence. Hail, Fenti, who comest forth from Khemenu,
Oh droga, acho que precisarei de um bom advogado na hora de bater um papo com Thoth. ;) Agora falando sério, alguém conhece algum templo budista no Rio decente?
Heads up!
Bom, update massivo e curto da minha vida...
1- Tô desempregado - nao me falem mais de assuntos relacionados 'a LAN, por favor.
2 - Meu computador antigo morreu num incêndio - outro dia conto aqui a estoria.
3- The show goes on
4 - Ah, Set é foda. E nao tô falando de rpg...
E caso eu tenha esquecido.... NETFUSION ? A PUTA QUE O PARIU!
Bom, update massivo e curto da minha vida...
1- Tô desempregado - nao me falem mais de assuntos relacionados 'a LAN, por favor.
2 - Meu computador antigo morreu num incêndio - outro dia conto aqui a estoria.
3- The show goes on
4 - Ah, Set é foda. E nao tô falando de rpg...
E caso eu tenha esquecido.... NETFUSION ? A PUTA QUE O PARIU!
Trabalho, febre e aporrinhações
Eu ando meio em falta com este blog, eu sei. Peço a compreensão dos poucos malucos que passam por aqui de vez em quando para ler meus "rants", mas nos últimos dois dias andei com uma virose braba, com 39º de febre, sem sair da cama. E isso incluia conectar. Fora isso, muito trabalho, graças a deus. Embora **NENHUM** dos meus dignissimos amigos tenha ido visitar a LAN, tudo vai de vento em popa. Ou quase tudo. MUito trabalho + provas na faculdade; uma nota meio bisonha de Direito das sucessões... daí a falta de posts por aqui. Ando levantando as 8 am e voltando pra casa so pela meia noite.
Ah, sim, e para completar a minha vida a demente que reside aqui em casa acaba de entrar em crise: No meio da minha conectada religiosa de manha, assim que acordo, para pegar emails, da storm-in, xingando e gritando no meu quarto (Note bem, eu odeio ser "acordado" com berros, isso dá morte....)
- P*rra, não dá pra desconectar esta m*rda não??? Tenho que ligar pra Ana MAria Braga!!!! PQP!!!
[André com cara de oroooooooo]
Só mais 30 seg pra eu terminar de baixar esse email do trabalho da faculdade que....
- PQP, seu m*rda, daqui a 30 segundos não interessa mais! Fica ocupando a linha, p*rra!!!
[ Ok, 2 minutos no máximo pela manhã, com algo que vai me dar um diploma de 3º Grau, não com um concurso debiloide de uma loura burra na teve]
Nessas horas que eu contemplo a fina linha entre o homicidio e o suicidio.
De volta ao inferno.
Eu ando meio em falta com este blog, eu sei. Peço a compreensão dos poucos malucos que passam por aqui de vez em quando para ler meus "rants", mas nos últimos dois dias andei com uma virose braba, com 39º de febre, sem sair da cama. E isso incluia conectar. Fora isso, muito trabalho, graças a deus. Embora **NENHUM** dos meus dignissimos amigos tenha ido visitar a LAN, tudo vai de vento em popa. Ou quase tudo. MUito trabalho + provas na faculdade; uma nota meio bisonha de Direito das sucessões... daí a falta de posts por aqui. Ando levantando as 8 am e voltando pra casa so pela meia noite.
Ah, sim, e para completar a minha vida a demente que reside aqui em casa acaba de entrar em crise: No meio da minha conectada religiosa de manha, assim que acordo, para pegar emails, da storm-in, xingando e gritando no meu quarto (Note bem, eu odeio ser "acordado" com berros, isso dá morte....)
- P*rra, não dá pra desconectar esta m*rda não??? Tenho que ligar pra Ana MAria Braga!!!! PQP!!!
[André com cara de oroooooooo]
Só mais 30 seg pra eu terminar de baixar esse email do trabalho da faculdade que....
- PQP, seu m*rda, daqui a 30 segundos não interessa mais! Fica ocupando a linha, p*rra!!!
[ Ok, 2 minutos no máximo pela manhã, com algo que vai me dar um diploma de 3º Grau, não com um concurso debiloide de uma loura burra na teve]
Nessas horas que eu contemplo a fina linha entre o homicidio e o suicidio.
De volta ao inferno.
Harry Potter
Quem me conhece sabe que não tenho muita paciência para o "fenômeno" HP; que meu gosto está mais para Tim Hunter do que o "pobre órfão de Hogwarts". Qual não foi minha surpresa ao achar um texto bem interessante sobre isso nas velharias do meu hd...?
I feel some hesitation about writing this at all, since in doing so I'm making myself part of the Potter machine. There's a difference between writing about Harry here and writing The Care of Magical Creatures for WHSmith - but both I and 'Newt Scamander' are capitalizing on the Potter brand for our particular profit. And it is a brand: the 2001 calendar has captions like THE SORTING HAT?: SLYTHERIN? OR GRYFFINDOR?? The trademarks mark the property of Warner Bros, not of JK Rowling; but a distinction between the profit-making, merchandise-driven corporation and Rowling as a freely expressive artist will not hold up. From the very beginning, Harry and Hogwarts are deeply implicated in a capitalist organization of the world.
It's right there in the title of the first book: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. 'The Philosopher's Stone': a substance with the power of turning base metals into gold. Like the commodity form analysed in the first chapter of Capital, it makes all metals equivalent to each other, and expresses that equivalence in gold.
One of the things that reveals Harry Potter as pure escapist fantasy, rather than - as with the best (children's or not) fantasy - an attempt to imagine a different organization of the world and our relationship to it, is the use of magical artefacts purely as commodities. The wizard world is our world, but with better stuff. The sweets are better. Football is better, because it's on broomsticks. The postal service is better, because there are cute owls who don't go on strike. This is not creating an alternative way of looking at the world; it's inventing gimmicks. Just as some apparently anti-capitalist actions fall back into a capitalist model through a reliance on "ethical shopping", Harry Potter is "magical shopping".
Less striking but more dangerous is the obfuscatingly bland 'and' in every title. It tells us nothing about the relationship between Potter and the world; only that, in every book, the 'X of Y' in the title is important only insofar as it is related to Harry Potter. It represents a naturalization of the workings of authority and oppression through a focus on individuals, which is one of the most dangerous things about the Potter books. Here the obvious example is Dumbledore, the perfect headmaster: wise yet fair; powerful, yet always available (to Harry); willing to help Harry break the law (Sirius Black's escape in Prisoner) in the service of justice.
Justice is always a negotiation between a general law and a particular case. In Derrida's formulation, a decision cannot be just if it is taken arbitrarily with no reference to any system of rules. Neither can it be just if it is merely the mechanical application of a system of rules with no reference to the circumstances of an actual case. Rowling resolves this fundamental ethical-political negotiation between impossibles - by demonstrating that a decision must be just if it is taken by Dumbledore. The politics of the wizard world, both within Hogwarts and outside (the Ministry of Magic), turn into questions of individual 'goodness' through Dumbledore's benevolent dictatorship. (Just thank God Snape didn't get the job. He doesn't like Harry - and he's evil.)
The way in which authority operates in the Potter books frightens me. It's part of their escapism: escapist in a way which naturalizes authority and makes it invisible, partly through the figure of the benevolent dictator, partly through the non-realist representation of Harry's Muggle life. At Hogwarts, almost pornographic attention is given to minor changes in Harry's mood. In Goblet we get pages on his nervousness about asking Cho Chang out; in Prisoner, pages about the horror he feels over the Dementors. When he's living with the Dursleys, the boy spends years living in a cupboard under the stairs, and not only does he have no apparent emotional reaction, but where the hell are Social Services?
There are no sources of authority in the Muggle world other than the irrational, malevolent Dursleys. There are complex political systems of authority in the wizarding world - but all defer to the flawless ethical judgement of Dumbledore. The processes of negotiation with authority which both children and adults have to go through, often in violent or change-producing ways, are missing from the Potter books.
Another massive effacement of violence in the operation of authority: the Sorting Hat. Like Dumbledore, the Sorting Hat is figured as magically all-knowing in order to hide the violence it perpetrates, on two levels. Firstly, the idea that it can see into the child's mind and assign him or her, benevolently, to the most appropriate environment. The idea that a child's character is indelibly formed at the age of 11 is appalling. Coupled with the fact that children of the same family, across the generations, are assigned to the same house, it becomes genetic determinism. Coupled with the fact that one of the houses, Slytherin, is coded as "evil", it becomes something close to fascism. The classification has nothing to do with 'race', but it's almost more pernicious for that.
Secondly, the idea that the houses have a particular character. Whilst houses at schools do take on a character, this doesn't happen without a certain violence. A house's self-perception as sporty, scholarly (brave, evil...) exerts terrific pressure on its members to fit in, and violence of various sorts on those who do not. As with so much else in Harry Potter, the institution of the Sorting Hat translates a very problematic form of repressive-productive (producing house members to fit a certain type) authority out of its real-world manifestations into a naturalized form: being suited perfectly to one's given social niche (given by Dumbledore or the Sorting Hat or genetics, who Know What's Best). And that is very dangerous indeed. More clearly, the same thing happens with the happy race of house-elf slaves in Goblet: they love being slaves and those who are freed (against their will) turn to drink and self-destruction. It's a paradigm familiar from Gone with the Wind: conveniently for the oppressors, the oppressed love and willingly choose their status.
The house-elf sub-plot is driven by Hermione, and highlights a final problem with the Potter books. In contrast to most of the characters, Hermione is intellectually and politically sharp and committed. However, as seen particularly clearly in Goblet, this is presented as slightly misguided and/or neurotic. Her attempt to free the house-elves is experienced by Ron and Harry as a time-wasting distraction from the real business of the day: the plot is never even resolved, since the liberation of a race from slavery is less important than Harry's little fling with Voldemort.
Don't look forward to an instalment called Harry Potter and the Critique of Postcolonial Reason any time soon.
Quem me conhece sabe que não tenho muita paciência para o "fenômeno" HP; que meu gosto está mais para Tim Hunter do que o "pobre órfão de Hogwarts". Qual não foi minha surpresa ao achar um texto bem interessante sobre isso nas velharias do meu hd...?
I feel some hesitation about writing this at all, since in doing so I'm making myself part of the Potter machine. There's a difference between writing about Harry here and writing The Care of Magical Creatures for WHSmith - but both I and 'Newt Scamander' are capitalizing on the Potter brand for our particular profit. And it is a brand: the 2001 calendar has captions like THE SORTING HAT?: SLYTHERIN? OR GRYFFINDOR?? The trademarks mark the property of Warner Bros, not of JK Rowling; but a distinction between the profit-making, merchandise-driven corporation and Rowling as a freely expressive artist will not hold up. From the very beginning, Harry and Hogwarts are deeply implicated in a capitalist organization of the world.
It's right there in the title of the first book: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. 'The Philosopher's Stone': a substance with the power of turning base metals into gold. Like the commodity form analysed in the first chapter of Capital, it makes all metals equivalent to each other, and expresses that equivalence in gold.
One of the things that reveals Harry Potter as pure escapist fantasy, rather than - as with the best (children's or not) fantasy - an attempt to imagine a different organization of the world and our relationship to it, is the use of magical artefacts purely as commodities. The wizard world is our world, but with better stuff. The sweets are better. Football is better, because it's on broomsticks. The postal service is better, because there are cute owls who don't go on strike. This is not creating an alternative way of looking at the world; it's inventing gimmicks. Just as some apparently anti-capitalist actions fall back into a capitalist model through a reliance on "ethical shopping", Harry Potter is "magical shopping".
Less striking but more dangerous is the obfuscatingly bland 'and' in every title. It tells us nothing about the relationship between Potter and the world; only that, in every book, the 'X of Y' in the title is important only insofar as it is related to Harry Potter. It represents a naturalization of the workings of authority and oppression through a focus on individuals, which is one of the most dangerous things about the Potter books. Here the obvious example is Dumbledore, the perfect headmaster: wise yet fair; powerful, yet always available (to Harry); willing to help Harry break the law (Sirius Black's escape in Prisoner) in the service of justice.
Justice is always a negotiation between a general law and a particular case. In Derrida's formulation, a decision cannot be just if it is taken arbitrarily with no reference to any system of rules. Neither can it be just if it is merely the mechanical application of a system of rules with no reference to the circumstances of an actual case. Rowling resolves this fundamental ethical-political negotiation between impossibles - by demonstrating that a decision must be just if it is taken by Dumbledore. The politics of the wizard world, both within Hogwarts and outside (the Ministry of Magic), turn into questions of individual 'goodness' through Dumbledore's benevolent dictatorship. (Just thank God Snape didn't get the job. He doesn't like Harry - and he's evil.)
The way in which authority operates in the Potter books frightens me. It's part of their escapism: escapist in a way which naturalizes authority and makes it invisible, partly through the figure of the benevolent dictator, partly through the non-realist representation of Harry's Muggle life. At Hogwarts, almost pornographic attention is given to minor changes in Harry's mood. In Goblet we get pages on his nervousness about asking Cho Chang out; in Prisoner, pages about the horror he feels over the Dementors. When he's living with the Dursleys, the boy spends years living in a cupboard under the stairs, and not only does he have no apparent emotional reaction, but where the hell are Social Services?
There are no sources of authority in the Muggle world other than the irrational, malevolent Dursleys. There are complex political systems of authority in the wizarding world - but all defer to the flawless ethical judgement of Dumbledore. The processes of negotiation with authority which both children and adults have to go through, often in violent or change-producing ways, are missing from the Potter books.
Another massive effacement of violence in the operation of authority: the Sorting Hat. Like Dumbledore, the Sorting Hat is figured as magically all-knowing in order to hide the violence it perpetrates, on two levels. Firstly, the idea that it can see into the child's mind and assign him or her, benevolently, to the most appropriate environment. The idea that a child's character is indelibly formed at the age of 11 is appalling. Coupled with the fact that children of the same family, across the generations, are assigned to the same house, it becomes genetic determinism. Coupled with the fact that one of the houses, Slytherin, is coded as "evil", it becomes something close to fascism. The classification has nothing to do with 'race', but it's almost more pernicious for that.
Secondly, the idea that the houses have a particular character. Whilst houses at schools do take on a character, this doesn't happen without a certain violence. A house's self-perception as sporty, scholarly (brave, evil...) exerts terrific pressure on its members to fit in, and violence of various sorts on those who do not. As with so much else in Harry Potter, the institution of the Sorting Hat translates a very problematic form of repressive-productive (producing house members to fit a certain type) authority out of its real-world manifestations into a naturalized form: being suited perfectly to one's given social niche (given by Dumbledore or the Sorting Hat or genetics, who Know What's Best). And that is very dangerous indeed. More clearly, the same thing happens with the happy race of house-elf slaves in Goblet: they love being slaves and those who are freed (against their will) turn to drink and self-destruction. It's a paradigm familiar from Gone with the Wind: conveniently for the oppressors, the oppressed love and willingly choose their status.
The house-elf sub-plot is driven by Hermione, and highlights a final problem with the Potter books. In contrast to most of the characters, Hermione is intellectually and politically sharp and committed. However, as seen particularly clearly in Goblet, this is presented as slightly misguided and/or neurotic. Her attempt to free the house-elves is experienced by Ron and Harry as a time-wasting distraction from the real business of the day: the plot is never even resolved, since the liberation of a race from slavery is less important than Harry's little fling with Voldemort.
Don't look forward to an instalment called Harry Potter and the Critique of Postcolonial Reason any time soon.
When The World Ends, Dave Matthews (Oakenfold remix) - Matrix Reloaded ST
When the world ends
Collect your things
You’re coming with me
When the world ends
You tuckle up yourself with me
Watch it as the stars disappear to nothing
The day the world is over
We’ll be lying in bed
I’m gonna rock you like a baby when the cities fall
We will rise as the building’s crumble
Float there and watch it all
Amidst the burning, we’ll be churning
You know, love will be our wings
The passion rises up from the ashes
When the world ends
When the world ends
You’re gonna come with me
We’re going to be crazy
Like a river bends
We’re going to float
Through the criss cross of the mountains
Watch them fade to nothing
When the world ends
You know that’s what’s happening now
I’m going to be there with you somehow, oh...
I’m going to tie you up like a baby in a carriage car
Your legs won’t work cause you want me so
You just lie spread to the wall
The love you got is surely
All the love that I would ever need
I’m going to take you by my side
And love you tall, ‘til the world ends
Oh, but don’t you worry about a thing
No, 'cause I got you here with me
Don’t you worry about a
Just you and me
Floating through the empty, empty
Just you and me
Oh, graces
Oh, grace
Oh, when the world ends
We’ll be burning one
When the world ends
We’ll be sweet makin love
Oh, you know when the world ends
I’m going to take you aside and say
Let’s watch it fade away, fade away
And the world’s done
Ours just begun
It's done
Ours just begun
We’re gonna dive into the emptiness
We'll be swimming
I’m going to walk you through the pathless roads
I’m going to take you to the top of the mountain that’s no longer there
I’m going to take you to bed and love you, I swear
Like the end is here
I’m going to take you up to
I’m going to take you down on you
I’m going to hold you like an angel, angel
I’m going to love you
I’m going to love you
When the world ends
I’m going to hold you
When the world is over
We’ll just be beginning...
When the world ends
Collect your things
You’re coming with me
When the world ends
You tuckle up yourself with me
Watch it as the stars disappear to nothing
The day the world is over
We’ll be lying in bed
I’m gonna rock you like a baby when the cities fall
We will rise as the building’s crumble
Float there and watch it all
Amidst the burning, we’ll be churning
You know, love will be our wings
The passion rises up from the ashes
When the world ends
When the world ends
You’re gonna come with me
We’re going to be crazy
Like a river bends
We’re going to float
Through the criss cross of the mountains
Watch them fade to nothing
When the world ends
You know that’s what’s happening now
I’m going to be there with you somehow, oh...
I’m going to tie you up like a baby in a carriage car
Your legs won’t work cause you want me so
You just lie spread to the wall
The love you got is surely
All the love that I would ever need
I’m going to take you by my side
And love you tall, ‘til the world ends
Oh, but don’t you worry about a thing
No, 'cause I got you here with me
Don’t you worry about a
Just you and me
Floating through the empty, empty
Just you and me
Oh, graces
Oh, grace
Oh, when the world ends
We’ll be burning one
When the world ends
We’ll be sweet makin love
Oh, you know when the world ends
I’m going to take you aside and say
Let’s watch it fade away, fade away
And the world’s done
Ours just begun
It's done
Ours just begun
We’re gonna dive into the emptiness
We'll be swimming
I’m going to walk you through the pathless roads
I’m going to take you to the top of the mountain that’s no longer there
I’m going to take you to bed and love you, I swear
Like the end is here
I’m going to take you up to
I’m going to take you down on you
I’m going to hold you like an angel, angel
I’m going to love you
I’m going to love you
When the world ends
I’m going to hold you
When the world is over
We’ll just be beginning...
E então o jovem hamster encontrou o 'Arquiteto". Arquiteto p... nenhuma, seu fdp! na verdade vc é...
*o arquiteto tira sua mascara e se revela....*
"Pelo ciclo de muitos nascimentos eu vaguei
sem recompensa,
sem descanso,
buscando o construtor da casa.
O nascimento é doloroso
outra vez e outra vez.
Construtor da casa, você foi visto!
Você não construirá outra casa.
Todas as vigas quebradas,
o poste da cumeeira destruído,
tendo partido para o Não Formado, a mente
chegou ao fim do desejo. "
É isso aí palhaço, cheque.
Sua vez.
E então o jovem hamster encontrou o 'Arquiteto". Arquiteto p... nenhuma, seu fdp! na verdade vc é...
*o arquiteto tira sua mascara e se revela....*
"Pelo ciclo de muitos nascimentos eu vaguei
sem recompensa,
sem descanso,
buscando o construtor da casa.
O nascimento é doloroso
outra vez e outra vez.
Construtor da casa, você foi visto!
Você não construirá outra casa.
Todas as vigas quebradas,
o poste da cumeeira destruído,
tendo partido para o Não Formado, a mente
chegou ao fim do desejo. "
É isso aí palhaço, cheque.
Sua vez.
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