
Bene Gesserit

Apesar de não ser um fanático pelo autor Frank Herbert e sua obra Duna, posso dizer que foi uma das séries de ficção mais divertidas que já li. Especialmente pelas Bene Gesserit (do latim "as bem comportadas" - *rs*) e seus ditos, frequentemente repletos de uma sabedoria c�nica que me agrada um bocado. Como tropecei numa compilação de citações, achei a oportunidade boa demais para não aproveitar.


These are illusions of popular history which a successful religion must promote: Evil men never prosper; only the brave deserve the fair; honesty is the best policy; actions speak louder than words; virtue always triumphs; a good deed is its own reward; any bad human can be reformed; religious talismans protect one from demon possession; only females understand the ancient mysteries; the rich are doomed to unhappiness . . .
From the Instruction Manual: Missionaria Protectiva
Children of Dune

Governments, if they endure, always tend increasingly toward aristocratic forms. No government in history has been known to evade this pattern. And as the aristocracy develops, government tends more and more to act exclusively in the interests of the ruling class -- whether that class be hereditary royalty, oligarchs of financial empires, or entrenched bureaucracy.
Politics as Repeat Phenomenon
Bene Gesserit Training Manual
Children of Dune

If you believe certain words, you believe their hidden arguments. When you believe something is right or wrong, true of flase, you believe the assumptions in the words which express the arguments. Such assumptions are often full of holes, but remain most precious to the convinced.
The Open-Ended Proof from The Panoplia Prophetica
Children of Dune

Those who would repeat the past must control the teaching of history.
Bene Gesserit Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune

Rules build up fortifications behind which small minds create satrapies. A perilous state of affairs in the best of times, disastrous during crises.
Bene Gesserit Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune

We tend to become like the worst in those we oppose.
Bene Gesserit Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune

Confine yourself to observing and you always miss the point of your life. The object can be stated this way: Live the best life you can. Life is a game whose rules you learn if you leap into it and play it to the hilt. Otherwise, you are caught off balance, continually surprised by the shifting play. Non-players often whine and complain that luck always passes them by. They refuse to see that they can create some of their own luck.
Darwi Odrade
Chapterhouse: Dune

All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible. Such people have a tendency to become drunk on violence, a condition to which they are quickly addicted.
Missionara Protectiva,
Text QIV (decto)
Chapterhouse: Dune

Religion (emulation of adults by the child) encysts past mythologies: guesses, hidden assumptions of trust in the universe, pronouncements made in search of personal power, all mingled with shreds of enlightenment. And always an unspoken commandment: Thou shalt not question! We break that commandment daily in the harnessing of human imagination to our deepest creativity.
Bene Gesserit Credo
Chapterhouse: Dune

Laws to suppress tend to strengthen what they would prohibit. This is the fine point on which all the legal professions of history have based their job security.
Bene Gesserit Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune

We do not teach history; we recreate the experience. We follow the chain of consequences -- the tracks of the beast in its forest. Look behind our words and you see the broad sweep of social behavior that no historian has ever touched.
Bene Gesserit Panoplia Propheticus
Chapterhouse: Dune

They say Mother Superior can disregard nothing -- a meaningless aphorism until you grasp its other significance: I am the servant of all my Sisters. They watch their servant with critical eyes. I cannot spend too much time on generalities nor on trivia. Mother Superior must display insightful action else a sense of disquiet penetrates to the farthest corners of our order.
Darwi Odrade Chapterhouse: Dune

All states are abstractions.
Octun Politicus
Bene Gesserit Archives
Chapterhouse: Dune

Some never participate. Life happens to them. They get by on little more than dumb persistence and resist with anger or violence. all things that might life them out of resentment-filled illusions of security.
Alma Mavis Taraza
Chapterhouse: Dune

Do not depend only on theory if your life is at stake.
Bene Gesserit Commentary
Chapterhouse: Dune
Major flaws in government arise from a fear of making radical internal changes even though a need is clearly seen.
Darwi Odrade
Chapterhouse: Dune

A major concept guides the Missionaria Protectiva: Purposeful instruction of the masses. This is firmly seated in our belief that the aim of argument should be to change the nature of truth. In such matters, we prefer the use of power rather than force.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune

The best art imitates life in a compelling way. If it imitates a dream, it must be a dream of life. Otherwise, there is no place where we can connect. Our plugs don't fit.
Darwi Odrade
Chapterhouse: Dune

Humans are born with a susceptibility to that most persistent and debilitating disease of intellect: self-deception. The best of all possible worlds and the worst get their dramatic coloration from it. As nearly as we can determine, there is no natural immunity. Constant alertness is required.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune

Give me the judgment of balanced minds in preference to laws every time. Codes and manuals create patterned behavior. All patterned behavior tends to go unquestioned, gathering destructive momentum.
Darwi Odrade
Chapterhouse: Dune

No sweeteners will cloak some forms of bitterness. If it tastes bitter, spit it out. That's what our earliest ancestors did.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune

Enter no conflict against fanatics unless you can defuse them. Oppose a religion with another religion only if your proofs (miracles) are irrefutable or if you can mesh in a way that the fanatics accept you as god-inspired. This has long been the barrier to science assuming a mantle of divine revelation. Science is so obviously man-made. Fanatics know where you stand, but more important, must recognize who whispers in your ear.
Missionaria Protectiva
Primary Teaching
Chapterhouse: Dune

We walk a delicate line, perpetuating Atreides (Siona) genes in our population because that hides us from prescience. We carry the Kwisatz Haderach in that bag! Willfulness created Muad'dib. Prophets make predictions come true! Will we ever again dare ignore our Tao sense and cater to a culture that hates the chance and begs for prophecy?
Archival Summary (adixto)
Chapterhouse: Dune

We witness a passing phrase of eternity. Important things happen but some people never notice. Accidents intervene. You are not present at episodes. You depend on reports. And people shutter their minds. What good are reports? History in a news account? Preselected at an editorial conference, digested and excreted by prejudice? Accounts you need seldom come from those who make history. Diaries, memoirs and autobiographies are subjective forms of special pleading. Archives are crammed with such suspect stuff
Darwi Odrade
Chapterhouse: Dune

Spend energies on those who make you strong. Energy spent on weaklings drags you to doom. (HM rule) Bene Gesserit Commentary: Who judges?
The Dortujla Record
Chapterhouse: Dune

Religion must be accepted as a source of energy. It can be directed for our purposes, but only within limits that experience reveals. He is the secret meaning of Free Will.
Missionaria Protectiva
Protective Teaching
Chapterhouse: Dune

One household god is this thing we carry forward generation after generation: our message for humankind if it matures. The closest thing we have to a household goddess is a failed Reverend Mother -- Chenoeh there in her niche.
Darwi Odrade
Chapterhouse: Dune

Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune

Making workable choices occurs in a crucible of informative mistakes. Thus Intelligence accepts fallibility. And when absolute (infallible) choices are not known, Intelligence takes chance with limited data in an arena where mistakes are not only possible but also necessary.
Darwi Odrade
Chapterhouse: Dune

Do not be quick to reveal judgment. Hidden judgment often is more potent. It can guide reactions whose effects are felt only when too late to divert them.
Bene Gesserit Advice to Postulants
Chapterhouse: Dune

When you think to take determination of your fate into your own hands, that is the moment you can be crushed. Be cautious. Allow for surprises. When we create, there are always other forces at work.
Darwi Odrade
Chapterhouse: Dune

There's no secret to balance. You just have to feel the waves.
Darwi Odrade
Chapterhouse: Dune


Dias ruins.

   Basta dizer que se por um lado o feriado foi muito agradável, o ambiente de trabalho anda um pouco estressante. Namorada doente, falta de sono, gente estúpida que não consegue compreender que feminismo é tão desequilibrado quanto machismo... enfim, not in the mood de escrever.

Gavin Rossdale - Adrenaline

You don't even feel the pain.....

Too much is not enough
Nobody said this stuff,
makes any sense
We're hooked again
The point of no return
See how the buildings burn
Light up the night
Such a pretty sight

Adrenaline, keeps me in the game
Adrenaline, you don't even feel the pain
Wilder than your wildest dreams
and you're going to the extremes
You taste adrenaline
You don't even feel the pain

Sail through an empty night
It's only you and I,
who understand,
there is no plan
Get closer to the thrill
Only time can kill
It's in your eyes
It's so alive

Adrenaline, keeps me in the game
Adrenaline, you don't even feel the pain
Wilder than you wildest pain
and you're going to the extremes
You taste adrenaline

Run through the speed of sound
Everything slows you down,
and all the colors that surround you,
bleed into one
What you really need
Is just way to find the speed
and then you will achieve
Escape philosphy

Too much is not enough
Nobody gave it up
I'm not the kind to lay down and die

[Chorus 2]
Adrenaline, keeps me in the game
Adrenaline, you don't even feel the pain
Wilder than you wildest dreams
and you're going to the extremes
You taste adrenaline
Adrenaline, screaming out your name
Adrenaline, you don't even feel the pain
Wilder than you wildest dreams
You taste adrenaline

Adrenaline [5x]

You don't even feel the pain [2x]

going to the extremes..........
there's nothing in between.....
you don't even feel the pain.....
feel the pain [5x]

[Fade to end]


Um pouco sobre os assuntos com qual trabalho.

Roberto Rodrigues dá receita para clusters de agroenergia

quinta, 06 abril 2006 - Fonte: O Estado de S. Paulo

A crise do álcool pela qual o Brasil passou neste início de ano tem levado muitos países, potenciais importadores do produto, a questionar o governo brasileiro sobre a garantia de suprimento por parte dos produtores nacionais. O ministro Roberto Rodrigues já tem uma resposta engatilhada, graças a um estudo que está sendo completado pela Embrapa. Trata-se da criação de clusters de agroenergia, que, segundo o ministro, funcionariam da seguinte forma: investidores interessados montam sua "destilaria" em uma área não-tradicional de cana-de-açúcar (Mato Grosso, Tocantins, Piauí, Pará, por exemplo). Os agricultores locais seriam atraídos ao cultivo da cana por meio de contratos de longo prazo, com preço atrelado ao do álcool, ou via parceria com a indústria.

Como uma quinta parte da área total precisaria ser renovada anualmente, essa parcela seria plantada com soja, com a qual, na mesma área industrial, seria produzido o biodiesel necessário para fazer funcionar tratores, colheitadeiras, caminhões. Com isso, não seria necessário trazer óleo diesel, hoje um dos principais responsáveis pelo alto custo do frete e da produção nas fronteiras agrícolas. Com o bagaço de cana seria gerada energia para as cidades e vilas vizinhas, durante a safra. E, na entressafra, seria usado carvão vegetal, resultado do plantio de árvores nas áreas impróprias para agricultura, no perímetro dos produtores associados ao projeto.

Com isso, se fecharia o circuito: etanol para exportação, biodiesel para tocar a mecanização agrícola, eletricidade da biomassa para os arredores. "E ainda sobraria o farelo da soja para ser usado, com outros insumos produzidos no local, para a criação de bois e porcos, cujo estrume seria usado como fertilizante, juntamente com o vinhoto do álcool, melhorando as condições do solo", conta Rodrigues, entusiasmado.

Todo o projeto seria financiado por grandes empresas interessadas no seqüestro de carbono, previsto no Protocolo de Kyoto. E, por ser um modelo exportável, ele poderia gerar ainda uma boa receita para os produtores de equipamentos para a agroindústria